Storage Auctions

Drugs and credit cards??

Drugs and credit cards??
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:11:16 AM »
What do you do with the different drugs and credit cards you find?  I'm thnking about starting a collection of cards, as for the drugs,  wow you could make alot of money selling the crap I found.

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Re: Drugs and credit cards??
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2013, 08:56:02 AM »
... as for the drugs,  wow you could make alot of money selling the crap I found.

Yes, you could. You could also do a lot of jail time.

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Re: Drugs and credit cards??
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2013, 10:37:53 AM »
Why would you start a collection of other people's credit cards? Also, most are probably inactive anyway, plus if they can't pay storage unit fees probably don't have much of a credit limit anyways. I think its a bad idea. If you ever got pulled over and had strangers credit cards in your possession your looking at trouble and dont say i found them in a storage unit because why did you hang on to htem unless you were planniing on doing something with them?

as for drugs. ive never found more than like an 1/8th of some crappy dried out weed but i used to know guys who kept those big plastic tote bins and fridgerator boxes full of good weed in storage units. if anyone ever went to jail and dindt tell their gf or someone about it there would probably be a very hapy buyer

Re: Drugs and credit cards??
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM »
I have found that older credit cards from the 70's and earlier are collecitble if in good condition especially Amex and from what I researched, it is pefectly legal. I am guessing from the age of the card there is no risk of identiy theft.

Re: Drugs and credit cards??
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2013, 04:40:03 PM »
That's funny, about them being colectable.  The car show fast and loud, showed them finding one from a celiberty and selling it.  I was  not serious about the drugs, but noe the cards I might take a second look at...

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