Storage Auctions

Flip or hold?

Flip or hold?
« on: February 27, 2011, 08:58:18 PM »
I am just curious to see what other people's preference is when it comes to selling the items from a storage locker.

Do you prefer to flip the stuff quickly for less or do you hold it for longer and get a higher price?

If you hold it, how long is your maximum before you mark it down?

Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 09:32:58 PM »
I do both.  I try to get the most possible out of the bigger items, and try to move the small stuff as fast as possible just to make room.

Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2011, 09:44:52 PM »
Depends on the product.

Some things i might sell the same day as i win the auction, just to free up space, or have less to move around.
Other things i might sit on to get more for it. And then you have thoe things you just can't sell. I am a sucker for keeping old cameras (older then 1960) Coca-cola stuff,  and wrist watches. I collect this 3 items, so they are hard for me to sell.

Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2011, 11:15:39 PM »
When do you decide to trash the items or donate it for a tax write off?  Used clothing or kids toys for example, I have and outlet for them but the buyers are picky and pay bottom dollar.  After all of the sorting and hauling, I have to wonder if some of it is even worth the time for 25 dollars.

CDs are a another one.  I used to be able to easily get $2 each for them and sell the whole lot.  Nowadays, they get cherry picked and the rest refused.  Two days ago I took nearly 200 into two stores.  Moved about 25 of them for$27 bucks.  Thought I would get at least 125.

Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2011, 12:24:42 AM »
Hard to say.  With me it depends if I'm "full up" or not.  If I'm really hurting for room, a lot of stuff get's shuffled off to Goodwill right away.  I'll go through it right in the unit and make a stop off at Goodwill on the way to my shop.  If I have a lot of extra room, I may go through it a little more thoroughly and try to sell more.  Usually, I'm pretty full up so that doesn't happen much. 

You have to decide how much time you are willing to spend on the smaller items.  If you have the room and are trying to wring every last dollar out of a locker, then hang onto it all and take your time getting rid of it.  I try to concentrate on what I know is profitable, and I don't try to chase every little nickel, I don't have the time or the room!

Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2011, 07:29:20 AM »
We try to get rid of everything as fast as possible.  We simply don't have the room to sit on a bunch of stuff and don't need or want it to clutter up our lives.

Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2011, 07:48:35 AM »
I'm all into flipping it as quickly as possible and keeping my money working versus holding out for another few bucks. As we all know, the more lockers you buy and sell the greater the chance of running up on something good so turn and burn is my motto.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2011, 08:20:59 AM »
I'll sell big stuff cheap...preferably right at the lkr auction to anyone who will haul away a mattress, chest, sofa, etc.  Not moving that stuff is worth a LOT to me. Now if it's just an EXCELLENT big piece I will spend some time and effort on it.

I sell at a flea and on ebay/clist and the smalls work for me in all those places.

I buy single purchases of certain tools at flea, estate sales etc and I will hold on to those for the max dollar.
The kind of tools I buy are older and specialized and I often get them in the $25 range and sell them in the $200 range.

Offline terry

Re: Flip or hold?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2011, 07:54:02 PM »
When do you decide to trash the items or donate it for a tax write off?  Used clothing or kids toys for example, I have and outlet for them but the buyers are picky and pay bottom dollar.  After all of the sorting and hauling, I have to wonder if some of it is even worth the time for 25 dollars.

CDs are a another one.  I used to be able to easily get $2 each for them and sell the whole lot.  Nowadays, they get cherry picked and the rest refused.  Two days ago I took nearly 200 into two stores.  Moved about 25 of them for$27 bucks.  Thought I would get at least 125.

Get a few totes one everything in it $1, one$.50 and one $.25 surprising how fast quarters will make dollars

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