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Technology. A help or a hinderance for resale?

Technology. A help or a hinderance for resale?
« on: February 27, 2011, 11:37:57 PM »
Has technology helped your sales?  Or has is made it harder to sell?

The Internet and sites such as craigslist and eBay has help boost sales overall and modern communication puts us in touch with the world.  But has technology hurt your ability to sell?

MP3s are making CDs go the way of the cassette tape and it seems as though vinyl records bring in more than CDs.  Computers and cell phones become outdated a year after they are purchased.  Ever try to sell a six year old printer?  Game systems advance each year.  How has technology helped or hindered you sales?

Re: Technology. A help or a hinderance for resale?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 12:14:20 AM »
I think overall it has helped greatly.  Free CL ads that you can post, delete, or modify in a minute, along with putting in pictures.  Light years ahead of the poor old daily newspaper!  And the fact that you can list items on eBay and sell to the world! 

But, certain items do not hold their value.  CD's are on the way out.  How many of you have actually bought an new CD's lately?  I've got 8 gigs worth of songs on my ipad and ipod, so why do I want to haul around a stack of CD's?  Some records sell okay, but a lot of them don't. 

Same with the old phones.  I have a former boss who now owns a cell phone store, so I throw all my phones, batteries and chargers in a box and I take them to him.  They go through the box and any phones or chargers they can use he pays me for and they recycle the rest. 

Unless the computer is a laptop, it goes straight to Goodwill for recycling.  Same with televisions, except the 32"-36" ones.  If they work, I can still usually get 50 bucks for them on CL.  Of course, save all the flat screens, they sell quick, but not for as much as you'd hope for.

Printers all go to Goodwill, and most games too.  I would love to find an original Atari "Pong" game though.  Cameras are another thing.  Most 110's go to Goodwill.  Most 35mm go on eBay.  Most digital go to the garage sale or the thrift store. 

Technology has helped a lot, both to help sell stuff and get us a stream of outdated items to sell.  DVD's will be the next to go!

Re: Technology. A help or a hinderance for resale?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2011, 08:10:44 AM »
I'd say helped also because it gives you many more outlets for your 'stuff' and more importantly you can find out what that stuff is really worth and wha it is currently selling for so your expectations are in the right place. I recently got a ubit with almost 60 bottles of very old avon collectibles ALL IN ORIGINAL BOXES. At first I thought OK with the boxes $20 each but after researching it's half that and I'm just going to sell th whole lot outright to some at 5 or 6 a bottle. Technology is a love hae thing but mostly love.

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Re: Technology. A help or a hinderance for resale?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2011, 08:16:46 AM »
The three guys above said it all for me !

Some folks have trashed eBay, but it can't be beat for its huge audience and I only sell to the U.S.A.

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Re: Technology. A help or a hinderance for resale?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2011, 10:13:12 AM »
I think if you use technoogy to open up as many sales channels to yourself as possible as well as to research values of things it can be a great tool.

I also see how it can be a negative as anyone can look up the price of anything, hard to find items are cheaper now that you can buy them from someone anywhere in the world.

At the same time however many if not most people are lazy and dont' do their research so having so much info out there doesn't really hurt you as a seller

All around resale.

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