I heard my credibility was being disputed so I figured I'd see what was up.
#1 Small claims limits vary by county. I'm in SoCal and in OC and LA counties the limit is $10,000.
#2 You can appeal a small claims decision. Here's the link for OC. I imagine it's very similar in LA and many other counties.
http://www.occourts.org/self-help/smallclaims/whathappensafterthetrial.html#3 I agree with Travis that it's odd to bid that high when it doesn't even look good from the door. But he missed the whole point of the article. The facility contacted this bidder with insider info before the auction. That is why the bid went so high. At least two bidders had been tipped off. Although I tend to agree with Travis that it's still a big chunk of change even if there could still be good stuff from a "celebrity."
#4 The reason Paris' locker didn't sell for a small fortune is because no one knew it was her locker. The locker was in a moving company's name. Obviously a facility wouldn't auction a unit in Hilton's name. That's asking for a lawsuit. And obviously the bid would go higher if the bidders knew it was a hugely popular socialite's unit. Her stuff has celebrity appeal & since she has more money than god you would imagine she has nice stuff.
#5 We didn't list the facility name because this could have been a rogue manager & it might not be right to take the company down because a manager lied. The manager should be fired though. The bidder's name wasn't listed because the bidder wants to remain on good terms with storage facilities. Suing facilities isn't the best way to do this. They certainly wouldn't be getting any inside info in the future.
You might not like me, or my website. But you can trust what I say. Storage buyers work really hard, usually to make money that their families desperately need. I would never lie or deceive anyone, but certainly not a father of 3 with only $100 to his name, looking to turn it into $1,000 to cover his monthly expenses.
If you guys aren't sure whether you can believe me in the future, just reach out to me...I promise I don't bite

Leslie "Voice of Reason"
P.S. I saw a few comments on this forum about Storage Treasures's listings. We do have a ton of auctions listed, but I agree, there is room for improvement. It's a lot for me to cover by myself. But as of literally yesterday, I have help! I'm working on it!