Storage Auctions

Free Storage Auction E-Book Pre-Launch and a little bit about me...

Offline MikeMilez

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Hello everyone, I posted this over in the "Welcome" forum, but thought it might get more views in here.

I've been doing storage auctions for roughly 10 years. 8 of those years were as a side hobby, and two years as a full fledged LLC. To make a long story short, when the economy tanked, I lost my full-time career job and had to take action fast. Since I was already doing so well with storage auctions as a hobby, I took out a loan against my retirement and started my own storage auction business.

Within a short time, I was making over six grand per month consistently for an entire year. Then I made a huge mistake and closed my original warehouse in exchange for a retail location with more overhead, less space, and zoning restrictions that led me to change business models and lose my loyal customers. This eventually led to filing bankruptcy… ouch!

I learned a lot along the way - what I did right, and what I did wrong, and I'm currently putting it all together into a book. I know there's already a ton of books on Amazon, but from what I've read, most of them aren't that great and don’t provide real sound advice about starting a legitimate business. It’s my goal to address as many of these issues as possible to take someone from hobbyist to professional, while balancing the needs of newbies and seasoned pros.

At this time, I have no definite release date. The book is mostly done. I’m just working on some finishing touches and learning exactly how to self publish on Amazon Kindle. However, I always love a good challenge and know it’ll be worth it if I can help at least one person. I would like to get this book out to as many people for free as possible, so please sign up for the free pre-launch and share the link with whomever you like:

If you have any questions, post them here and I’ll do my best to get back to everyone. Also, to be clear, I don’t pretend to be some super storage auction guru. This is just my experience, what I have learned, what I know that works, and what I know that doesn’t work. I’m definitely not rich, and in fact, I’m presently quite poor. This book is just a personal passion that I have been working on for the last 6 months.

I hope I can be of help to anyone on the forum. I don’t mind answering questions about my personal life or my business. Everything is a learning experience, good and bad!

My new book is live! - Free on Amazon for 3 Days Only (4/17 - 4/19)

Started by MikeMilez

0 Replies
Last post April 17, 2015, 03:23:41 AM
by MikeMilez
Have you bought a self-help book on succeeding in the storage auction business?

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Last post March 06, 2013, 01:14:03 PM
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New Free Storage Auction Schedule for the U.S. and Canada

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Last post November 20, 2014, 11:02:52 PM
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MOVED: New Free Storage Auction Schedule for the U.S. and Canada

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Last post October 29, 2014, 09:18:06 PM
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