Storage Auctions

Harley Davidson Gear in Storage Lockers

Offline MovieMan

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Harley Davidson Gear in Storage Lockers
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:31:09 AM »
Haven't had much in the last year or so, but when I do hit a lkr with HD stuff it usually pays off.

I haven't gotten parts so much as I have lamps, bags, knives, books, pictures; I even sold two photo albums of a guys trips he had taken!

Re: Harley Davidson Gear in Storage Lockers
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 04:58:13 PM »
I love getting Harley parts and clothing!  Not too long ago, I got a springer front end and handlebars and did very well.  I have had lots of jackets, various clothing, and even a brand new pair of boots in the box...the fancy ones the Harley logo branded in the leather with square toes and the buckles on the side!  First guy that showed up wanted them bad, but try as he might to shove his foot in there, they were about a half a size too small.  He was bummed.  I wasn't......another guy snatched them up later the same day.   Great stuff to have.

What do you do with “b*ngs” and other dr*g gear you find in lockers?

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