Storage Auctions

Can't wait For Spring

Can't wait For Spring
« on: December 11, 2011, 08:24:40 PM »
Can't wait for warmer weather.Slim Pickens.Can find some bargains but they are farther and fewer in between.

Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 06:48:21 AM »
Ya - most of the yard sales in my area have dried up.  The flea is still going pretty strong.  Didn't make it out there this past weekend to sell or buy.  If nice weather this saturday I'm going to try and be there to sell.  One last push to clean out inventory before January.

They will be open from 7-12 on Christmas Eve but unless cut price in half not going to bother.  No idea what if anything they do for New Years.  Just as the cold sets in down south most people stay indoors.  Except for all the Storage Wars / Auction Hunters newbies.

Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 07:06:11 AM »
Well I'd normally agree with ya, but here in Southern Arizona our spring (and fall for that matter) lasts all of a couple days.  Then it's summer or winter......***sigh***

We're getting ready to head out to a couple of auctions which kicks off a huge auction week here in Tucson.  2 facilities today, followed by numerous, different caravan ones Tues & Weds.
Forecast:  50% chance of rain all 3 days.  I see a u-haul rental in our future~ ::)

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Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2011, 07:46:50 AM »
I am going to enjoy the winter because I think come this spring we are going to have another large herd of newbies at auction with their tax return money. I am hoping this will be the last great herd caused by the TV shows and by next fall crowds and prices will start to come down.

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Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2011, 08:40:56 AM »
I'll start by saying that I have nothing to complain about compared to you folks in states where SNOW can be a real problem at fleas and life in general, but that said, let me tell you about central California winters.

In my area the problem in Dec, Jan, Feb is RAIN and sometimes COLD.  Nothing stops a crowd from coming out like a good rain or a continuing drizzle.  Even with canopies, that wet stuff just puts a damper on selling. Factor in some wind driving rain sideways and you get a lot of people wanting spring to arrive.

The last 10 days or so it has been 30 or 32 at 5 and 6 a.m. and then by noon or 1 pm its 55 to 60 degrees. That may SEEM desirable, but it still puts a damper on things. I wear 4 layers on my chest and 2 layers on my legs and feet and then have to start peeling those layers off....granted, it's better than not going at all, or shoveling off snow, but still a pain.

One thing that sells well in the winter here are propane heaters on top of 20 gallon tanks. I have one that size and one of the $100 "Buddy" heaters that uses the small green propane bottles. Both were sitting outside my van and half a dozen people wanted to buy them. I use one or the other depending on how long lasting the cold morning is. The big one really puts out the heat....I use them both INSIDE the van and sit in the open sliding door....makes quite a difference in making it through the morn.

So, in my area we are always looking for the month of MARCH to roll around when we can fight the winds...and sell KITES !  ;D

Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2011, 01:43:33 PM »
Your weather is pretty much what we have now here in GA MovieMan.  I don't bother going to the flea at 7am anymore since you just have to be setup by 9.  Other then other vendors there just isn't a crowd early in the morning with temps in the mid 20s - 30s.  Once it gets in the 60s the crowds come out.

Right now the weather is suppose to be in the low of 50s and high of 70 for Thursday / Friday.  If that holds for Saturday I'll be out at the flea.  If there is a strong chance or rain and/or cold I may hit one of two auctions about an hour away from me this weekend.  Just will have to pick which one.

March is normally rain / wind.  Father already has a sun shade canopy that you buy from Walmart.  Going to put up some tarps for sides come March to combat the elements.

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Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2011, 04:30:28 AM »
Well I should not complain. But Winters here are pretty nice.

For the past week it has been overcast and drizzle rain. Very unusual may get cold but we have sun.

Was suppose to warm up yesterday it did not feel like it. We did not see the sun until about 2:00 PM.

Would not survive in a gloomy climate, effects my mood. True Floridian here.

This is the best I was dressed with two shirts and a long coat (to cut the wind). The Auctioneer was in shorts and a young bidder was in flip flops.  What in the world. See it all the time.

We get in the 30's but it usually does not last long, just a few days. Sometimes we hit the 80's on Christmas. Will save my complaints for the summer months.  Hot and Humid.

Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2011, 07:01:22 AM »
I'm use to hot and humid -- still prefer it to winter months.  Of course if I ever get that job near the beach, with my beach front condo I'll just hush and be happy then.

Only thing with Florida are the afternoon showers.  Seems each year I'm down there I can set my watch by when it would start to rain for 10-20 mins then stop and be sunny again.

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Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2011, 05:23:52 AM »
Well the weather has been wonderful down here in Fl. 

But good grief suppose to be in the 80's today. Too hot for Christmas.

Only thing with Florida are the afternoon showers.  Seems each year I'm down there I can set my watch by when it would start to rain for 10-20 mins then stop and be sunny again.

Yes those are nasty days, if it rains before 2:00 Pm going to get really sticky, if it rains after 3:30 PM will be nice cools things off for the evening. My grandfather said air conditioning changed Fl. No one would live here without it. LOL   
I have seen it rain in my front yard and not be raining in the back yard... LOL

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Can't wait For Spring
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2011, 08:58:26 PM »
I am ok with the cold weather. Dont necessarily like it, but still go out looking for new finds. Its all the damn rain that effects me going out. No covered trailer, and hate to get good things just to let it get ruined by the rain.

No auctions this week, can't wait for next wee to come

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