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How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately

And whatd it sell for.

Offline Cobia

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 08:02:31 AM »
$900 worth (retail value, not resale value) Pampered Chef cookware. The wife kept it. Came out of $300 unit.
Jerry Rice #80 San Fransisco 49ers throwback jersey. Came out of $30 unit.

Hey Movieman, interested in the jersey, I'll make you a killer deal!  ;)

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 10:00:37 AM »

Jerry Rice #80 San Fransisco 49ers throwback jersey. Came out of $30 unit.

Hey Movieman, interested in the jersey, I'll make you a killer deal!  ;)

It would HAVE to be a killer deal as I would want to resell it !


As to a good buy was a piece I bought by "picking"....paid $250 for this tool and sold it for $600.  Sorry, won't reveal what it was....readers here may not be competition at the auctions but they could be on eBay so I don't share info of that nature. Right now I am undercutting two competitors on an item on eBay so don't want to put myself in the position of BEING undercut.  ;D

Offline bowie

Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 06:31:52 PM »
That would be the cast iron sewing machine base with marble top I got for $4 at a yard sale. But gosh darn it, since there was a chip in the marble, I'm keeping it. ;)

Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2012, 10:17:57 PM »
It would HAVE to be a killer deal as I would want to resell it !


As to a good buy was a piece I bought by "picking"....paid $250 for this tool and sold it for $600.  Sorry, won't reveal what it was....readers here may not be competition at the auctions but they could be on eBay so I don't share info of that nature. Right now I am undercutting two competitors on an item on eBay so don't want to put myself in the position of BEING undercut.  ;D
ill give u a killer deal on a 49ers football 44 signs 89ish jerry rice year

Offline money4nothing

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2012, 05:23:10 AM »
Found a Bond Knitting machine @ thrift for $5.00.  First look on ebay around $55~100 not selling ~ now selling for $25  ::). I would wait until the cooler months to try and sell. But anyway got the thing to work (operator not machine ;) ). So I will use it to make braided rugs and can sell those.

Not a great find but a find.

Movieman letting out some of my secrets.. LOL don't think I need to worry to much about a knitting machine.  ;D

Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2012, 06:03:05 AM »
Recent wins (Last 6 months) :

Sold a 6 foot grandfather clock all made out of match sticks for $1000 retrieved from a storage unit.

Sold about $400 worth of oil paints retrieved from same unit as the match stick clock.

Sold about $70 worth of old keepsake ornaments retrieved from same unit as the match stick clock.  Got lots (30+) of those left and cannot wait for XMas selling season.

Went to auction house and bid on an item for $3 that no-one could figure out what it was.  Just had to find out so I bid.  Ended up being an XMods Radio Control Starters Kit new in the box plastic wrapping still intact.  Sold on eBay for $100.

Went to same auction house and bid $5 for a signed Johnny Cash framed picture.  Turned out to be a real signature, sold on eBay for $50.

Went to different auction house and bid $10 on an old engineering tool still in the box.  Sold on eBay for $50.

Offline Alias300

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2012, 04:27:27 PM »
Best this year....the $20 locker back in February-ish.   One bin and tool bag and sold the grinding/cutting wheels in bin for something in the $700 range within 48hrs.   (posted elsewhere if you wnt details.  I'm not movieman with records and awesome memory.....    ::)

Not big money nor storage auctions but picks I've done well on in last 2-3 months.

Vintage hand vice picked for $3, sold few days later for $60.
Old as Pyrex dish picked for $0.50, sold for $30. 
Various wood carving tools from several picks, total cost $32; sold as set for $125

And haven't sold yet,
....its torn apart, rewired, dents pounded out/filler done/primed and waiting on paint I ordered to arrive.....a 1938 mixer but with costs, mixer, ALL original accessories and the friggin box I'm only into it for just under $60 and have already been offered, in torn apart condition, $200 for it. 
Final value will be determined on how original my final paint job looks. 

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2012, 05:16:48 PM »
I'm not movieman with records and awesome memory.....    ::)

The records you could work on...the awesome memory is a gift.

Vintage hand vice picked for $3, sold few days later for $60.

That vintage hand VICE is the kind they used to think would make you blind.
OTHERWISE, it's probably a vintage hand VISE...


Here's the link to your original post about finding all those wheels.,2398.0.html

Offline Alias300

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2012, 06:12:21 PM »
You are correct, sir.   ;D

Im good but would have to be amazing for someone to pay me $60 for a hand.....ah....never mind.... 

Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2012, 09:57:44 PM »
Recent wins (Last 6 months) :

Sold a 6 foot grandfather clock all made out of match sticks for $1000 retrieved from a storage unit.

Sold about $400 worth of oil paints retrieved from same unit as the match stick clock.

Sold about $70 worth of old keepsake ornaments retrieved from same unit as the match stick clock.  Got lots (30+) of those left and cannot wait for XMas selling season.

Went to auction house and bid on an item for $3 that no-one could figure out what it was.  Just had to find out so I bid.  Ended up being an XMods Radio Control Starters Kit new in the box plastic wrapping still intact.  Sold on eBay for $100.

Went to same auction house and bid $5 for a signed Johnny Cash framed picture.  Turned out to be a real signature, sold on eBay for $50.

Went to different auction house and bid $10 on an old engineering tool still in the box.  Sold on eBay for $50.

wait a grandfather clock made of match sticks?

Pics or it didnt happen

Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2012, 11:52:53 PM »
Bought a unit a while ago with one of those maple hutch type desk tops (no desk to match). Pushed it off in a corner (not sure why I didn't throw it away). Got the idea to flip it upside down and attach legs to it. (got legs from an old table from the local furniture refinisher for 10 dollars). Put a top shelf on it. Need a coat of paint but have been offered 150 for it. Should be finished next week. I will post pictures if I can figure out how. Love making money on something I should have thrown away.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2012, 07:00:28 AM »
wait a grandfather clock made of match sticks?

Pics or it didnt happen

Original thread.,2330.0.html

EDIT: OH God I am turning into Movieman.... LOL    ;)

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2012, 09:59:58 AM »

EDIT: OH God I am turning into Movieman.... LOL    ;)

Well, there are worse things you could become. You could be running that multi-million dollar storage facility and thrift store combination in Tennessee.  ;D

Offline Drew

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Re: How bouta sum inspiration..whats the best thing uve found lately
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2012, 09:31:44 PM »
$900 worth (retail value, not resale value) Pampered Chef cookware. The wife kept it. Came out of $300 unit.
Jerry Rice #80 San Fransisco 49ers throwback jersey. Came out of $30 unit.

Hey Movieman, interested in the jersey, I'll make you a killer deal!  ;)

How much for the jersey? I'm a niner fan

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