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How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?

Offline Travis

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2013, 10:44:44 PM »
He has willfully turned himself into a public figure, so he cannot legally claim any privacy violation simply because you mention his name somewhere. In fact, his actions of trying to silence you are violating your first amendment rights. Start playing hardball back at him.

I agree, since he is a public figure he is exempt, especially if the video was satirical.

Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2013, 07:47:42 PM »
I don't know if I've ever mentioned him on this forum. But Glendon Cameron is a complete joke. He can't string 2 sentences together. I watched one of his videos for about 2 minutes before turning it off. I don't know how anybody can take him seriously. He thinks that just because he peppers in a couple of F bombs, he should be taken seriously. In fact, he's a joke. I feel sorry for those who fall for his scheme and "follow" him. He rips people off.. That's his profession now.

Offline bwd111

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2013, 03:17:46 PM »
The same way the networks do for people watching the fake storage shows! If you build it they will come. The networks make storage buying bussiness end results so glamrous and profitable so why wouldnt the general public pay $60.00 for a book?

What is Glendon Cameron up to these days?

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