Storage Auctions


How far would you go?

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9 (34.6%)

Total Members Voted: 26

How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?

Offline MovieMan

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How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:20:13 AM »
I used to go 50 miles or more, but when I saw the same stuff there that I saw in my immediate area I cut that out almost entirely.  I know result will vary based on how rural or metro an area you live in, but give this poll a shot anyway.

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Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 05:39:11 PM »
If there's a whole circuit on a day going from town to town I may start 40 miles away if it follows town to town and ends near my home.

I'll also drive further if there's a ton of units at a facility or I have a good feeling about the town but I try to keep it close to home.

There's really not better things 30 miles further away plus there's more than enough auctions in my immediate area for me to go to.

I saw one guy on a blog giving advice saying dont go more than 2 hours. I woudln't even think about it.

I dont have a big truck so some units involve multiple trips, my recent auction probably about a dozen trips, luckily it was like 2 minutes from my dads house so moved everything to his garage.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 07:14:23 PM »
Hooray...people are actually voting. Be nice if the 900 in the silent majority would vote...even if they haven't been to an auction they could say how far they would drive !

Offline Drew

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Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 07:43:18 PM »
No more than 30 usually but there is plenty going onaround me

Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 10:07:08 PM »
I set my initial search map to 50 mile radius, but I am sure the ones in the big city will be packed.  The good/bad news is a lot of them are during the day on weekdays, so I would bet not 100 + people.  I think I will just take days off when there are multiples and I am in the mood.  It's just a side thing for me.


Offline MovieMan

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Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2011, 01:32:47 PM »
Went on a trip 50 miles the other day and had my original ideas confirmed about doing so.
The lockers are the same; the buyers are out in droves (newbies); the prices are too high.

Of course it's next-day quarter-backing to say "I shouldn't have gone.", but I shouldn't have gone.
And I won't again. There are 20 or so auctions a month within 15 miles of me. That's enough biz for me.

Sure, that ONE SUPER DELUXE locker will get bought by someone else sometime, but you can't get them all anyway, so why not save time and gas.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 02:58:07 PM »
When I started this thread there were about 900 members in this forum.
Now there are about 1400 members.

So far, 17 people have responded to the poll. Wow !

I've heard of "lurking" but this is the ultimate example. As I stated in another post in this thread
even if you've never bought a locker before you could tell how far you would drive to go to an auction.

Or maybe not !

Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2011, 03:47:07 PM »
Hey, I am new to this biz but I have been buying and selling trailer loads of shelf pulls and customer returns from major retailers for almost 15 years now.

I believe, if planned correctly, it would be worth a 3 or 4 day trip 200 to 300 miles from my home location.
I am based in central Florida and can tell you that even though gas is expensive (especially in the box truck)...I have to imagine that there would be different items in units in West Palm or Bal Harbor or any of the the areas with the richest zip codes in Florida or even the entire US

As i stated, the trip would have to be very well planned and multi-day with the cash and resources to buy and transport a number of units back but I believe doing what others are unable and unwilling to do is going to be the key to success in this business, especially with all the noobs I have seen dramatically overbidding at most of the auctions I have attended in my local area.

I say go BIG or Go Home!   

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How many miles would you be willing to drive to an auction?
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2011, 04:57:34 PM »
Sounds like a winner to me. We'll await the results of your planning !

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