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How many people out there are foolish and buy

Offline bwd111

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How many people out there are foolish and buy
« on: September 19, 2011, 10:25:50 AM »
Without using there flashlight?? And dont take 2 good looks at the unit?? I have noticed people bidding on units without tUSING there  lights and with out 2 good looks. Might as well use a blindfold. I call this blind bidding.. This is serious bussiness when you are spending money you worked for so why foolishy throw your money away. Get on your knees,rubber neck that unit look at every detail. So it cost you a few bucks to replace those batteries so what use that light. Say this to your self 10x. I WILL USE THAT FLASHLIGHT on every unit. Dont care what anyone says pictures of a unit that you see cannot give justice to what you can see live. Brighten that unit up so it can been seen from But serious use that flashlight you might just see something worth buying.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2011, 10:30:46 AM »
Without using there flashlight?? And dont take 2 good looks at the unit?? I have noticed people bidding on units without tUSING there  lights and with out 2 good looks. Might as well use a blindfold. I call this blind bidding.. This is serious bussiness when you are spending money you worked for so why foolishy throw your money away. Get on your knees,rubber neck that unit look at every detail. So it cost you a few bucks to replace those batteries so what use that light. Say this to your self 10x. I WILL USE THAT FLASHLIGHT on every unit. Dont care what anyone says pictures of a unit that you see cannot give justice to what you can see live. Brighten that unit up so it can been seen from But serious use that flashlight you might just see something worth buying.

And see the following two threads:

Following thread is about flashlights people use:

Offline ChefJ

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Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 11:23:56 AM »
most of those people won't be reading this thread, if they can read at all.  Let them spend their money and fail.  Darwinism at its finest.  Only the strong survive.

Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2011, 11:26:34 AM »
I have noticed people bidding on units without tUSING there  lights and with out 2 good looks. Might as well use a blindfold. I call this blind bidding..

Had to laugh. You needed two seperate threads in different sections about this? Thanks for helping me add a post, I'm so close to an upgrade!

Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 11:31:46 AM »
Even more of a gamble than not using a flashlight.... buying a locker they can't get open.  I attended an auction this saturday where they couldn't use the bolt cutters to cut off the lock so they auctioned off the unit unopened and said they would bring someone with a grinder in to open it later.  I can't remember the exact winning bid but it was between $500-$600.

Offline bwd111

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Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 11:48:23 AM »
Had to laugh. You needed two seperate threads in different sections about this? Thanks for helping me add a post, I'm so close to an upgrade!
Me two. Worked great.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2011, 04:14:08 PM »
On the topic of flashlights I would say only about 5 or 10% of people actually have a flashlight thats worth a damn. I see people show up with these mini maglights like thats gonna do anything. I dont know about flashlights in terms of cnadlepower or any of that jazz but unless you have one of the floodlight types say a pizza delivery driver uses to spot houses your flashlight is pretty much worthelss on any unit bigger than say a 5x5.

Offline bwd111

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Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2011, 04:36:06 PM »
On the topic of flashlights I would say only about 5 or 10% of people actually have a flashlight thats worth a damn. I see people show up with these mini maglights like thats gonna do anything. I dont know about flashlights in terms of cnadlepower or any of that jazz but unless you have one of the floodlight types say a pizza delivery driver uses to spot houses your flashlight is pretty much worthelss on any unit bigger than say a 5x5.
True I bought a something like this Primos 56593 Spotlight - 1,000,000 Candle Power Rechargeable
$15 online

One million candle power rechargeable spotlight, charges from 12-volt DC power source or a 110-volt AC power source, white light for spot beam. Style: 110V / 12V
 And it works. Looking into a 12x30 with out a light or 12x30 can be costly. Me I like to look at what I can see.

Offline otbg

Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2011, 04:36:40 PM »
On the topic of flashlights I would say only about 5 or 10% of people actually have a flashlight thats worth a damn. I see people show up with these mini maglights like thats gonna do anything. I dont know about flashlights in terms of cnadlepower or any of that jazz but unless you have one of the floodlight types say a pizza delivery driver uses to spot houses your flashlight is pretty much worthelss on any unit bigger than say a 5x5.

I disagree. The new mini maglight leds are phenomenal. More than enough light for any size unit. You also have to remember, you people with the big ass spotlights are showing everyone else what you see. Why carry around a huge light when you can just stand next to the guy carrying the big light.
When I use the mini maglight, it is a more direct beam from my angle and less can be seen by other people. And as a bonus, I don't have to lug around some giant bat signal.

Re: How many people out there are foolish and buy
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2011, 07:15:01 PM »
Many of the regulars in my area don't bring a light.  I was a little surprised at this.  However, many of them have been doing it for 15 - 25 years and pretty much can glance at a unit.  I myself always take a light.  Either my big spot or at least a mini-mag that does ok.

Where did all the new people go that

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