Storage Auctions

I need advice on a certain situation

I need advice on a certain situation
« on: June 30, 2012, 12:46:19 PM »

      My name is Will - I'm new to this forum so how's it goin. Here's my situation: I rented a storage locker in grand island New York. Shortly after that I moved to Minneapolis MN and that's where I am now. I've been paying on this locker for two years now and it has stuff I need - mainly musical instruments and some stuff I've written and recorded. In general its just a monetary hassle at this point.
  I put an ad on craigslist saying that if someone would pay off the storage locker - which was then $331 but I got that paid off so now I'm actually current - then they could keep a bunch of audio gear and tools and assorted other stuff in exchange for sending me the audio equipment.
     People responded right away but there were usually craigslist advisories on the responses - saying beware of scammers etc. One dude went and looked at it and said he didn't think it was worth enough money. Another guy was only interested in the instruments. There was another guy who worked at a tool place who showed interest but lost contact. Then finally there is some dude I'm dealing with, I also talked to him on the phone, and he seems willing to do it. He sounds ordinary enough but there's something a bit over eager and salesmanlike about the way he seems to want to go right ahead with it sight unseen. This guy at one point even wanted to send me some money rather than send me one of the instruments.
       Does anyone have any advice as to whether I should trust this guy? Is this a common scenario in the storage locker world? He may simply be trying to make money by reselling stuff, not specifically scamming, right?

any thoughts?


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Re: I need advice on a certain situation
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 02:28:23 PM »
Why not ask the storage facility to include your unit in their next auction? You might get a lot more for it that way than by trying to sell it off on your own.

Re: I need advice on a certain situation
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 05:54:10 PM »
Why not ask the storage facility to include your unit in their next auction? You might get a lot more for it that way than by trying to sell it off on your own.

That sounds like a really good least you would more than likely get your money.

Maybe this guy you found on CL turns out to be a really nice guy and you get your equipment and/or cash.  But on the other hand, maybe he's one of the MANY CL SCAMMERS, and he picks through your stuff, takes all the good items, and all you get is stuck with back rental on a locker he fails to empty, along with a garbage bill!

Offline Alias300

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Re: I need advice on a certain situation
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2012, 06:44:51 PM »
I agree with above.

Either work a deal with facility to auction it or figure a way to go get what you want on your own.
Fly out, stick contents you want on Amtrak or Greyhound and fly home and wait for it.  Maybe then auction it off?

Your CL idea might work but think your setting yourself up for a nightmare scenario.

You MAY be able to work it where they auction it with notice that such-n-such items must be returned to owner (you) and you will pay shipping. But I wouldn't count on it.  Would have to be a pretty cool manager to agree to that.  Lotta work for them with no benifits.  Doesn't hurt to ask, tho.

Other idea, don't know your financial state, but have you priced a moving company? 
They can go pack and ship it.  My friend had his entired house and cars packed and shipped from Seattle to L.A. for $2300.  Guessing just a locker wouldn't be all to expensive....?

Last idea.  Fly ME out.  I like the Kimpton hotels.  And prefer either small luxury or SUV's.  Couple gift cards to a nice steak house or maybe Asian fusion style resturant would be nice.
I'd be happy to have your stuff....uh...I mean....get.....get your stuff.   ::)


Re: I need advice on a certain situation
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2012, 07:04:35 PM »
Rofl Alias - that just made me laugh.  Honestly Will you are setting yourself up for hurt doing a CL ad.  I get scammers all the time emailing me when I'm selling stuff local.  Your best bet is going to be either get the stuff yourself or just "abandon" the unit and let the facility sell it.  You get what ever extra the unit sells for over what you owe on the unit.  There is some risk in that the items will not sell for much is an auction.  However, if instrument cases, speakers, etc. are showing you can expect a bunch of interest and bids with a mid size crowd.

Re: I need advice on a certain situation
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2012, 12:30:41 AM »
Social media might be a friend for you here. Ask your Facebook friends if anyone knows someone in the area they trust that wants to make a bit of money. Give them something to send you your stuff and abandon the rest to the facility or just let the person have the rest of the stuff.

Re: I need advice on a certain situation
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2012, 04:52:12 PM »
thanks a lot for those replies. Yeah I've been busy getting thrown in jail so I'm back to check on things now. The CL guy said when I asked him directly that he's never done this before but then backed out of the deal saying it was becoming too much of a hassle. Hmmmmm.... But yeah I have a friend working on it with people he knows out there and such. I might try the facebook thing too. Thanks a again.

Re: I need advice on a certain situation
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2012, 12:09:03 AM »
Good luck

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