Storage Auctions

Made my first buy now who do i sell this to?

Made my first buy now who do i sell this to?
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:21:12 PM »
I made my first purchase. It was a roll of the dice, all boxes, couldn’t see anything. However I may have hit gold or garbage.

 I have found a bunch of DVDs that looks like from someone who use to sell this product. They are safety training DVDs. Here is a link to what they look like below. It looks like i have a bunch of different ones in un opened reams of a 1000 it looks like. Does anyone know who i can sell the whole lot to?


Offline Travis

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Re: Made my first buy now who do i sell this to?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2015, 06:48:55 PM »
Welcome to the forum.

The market for this type of product is definitely limited. I would put them on Amazon and eBay for a few dollars and see if there is any interest.

I almost bought a unit with tens of thousands of workout DVDs, but after researching the products, I found that they weren't selling that well and other sellers were letting them go for as low as a dollar + shipping. Even if they were selling, who wants to pack and ship hundreds of items a day for such little profit?

Offline Alias300

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Re: Made my first buy now who do i sell this to?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2015, 11:26:22 AM »
Are they all the same videos?

Were there manuals and stuff in unit?

Those training videos go for hundreds of dollars a pop.  You could package several that fit a certain industry and stick on ebay.   Or contact companies HR departments. 

I don't think selling them by the lot is going to work.  I think they only person that would be interested is an end user and these are made for group showings or to be viewed from server across multiple desktops. No one but the distributer needs more than one and they make them for pennies.

Think first I'd contact the company like you're interested in product and get an information pack sent to you.  Price quotes, what comes either video's, product support......the more info you have the better you'll know how to market it....and charge for it.

I may have made a BIG boo-boo.....

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