Storage Auctions

May - June

May - June
« on: May 24, 2014, 12:24:22 AM »
What have you bought lately? Any big or interesting auctions coming up?

I've been going along in May, just bought two units for $100 bucks. $25 unit was a hot mess, military uniforms scattered through out gave hope for a bigger score but it just wasn't there. Still sorting trash from 'treasure' maybe $100-$200 profit but more work than an easier buy.

The second unit I paid $75 for, and this one was more straight forward. Couch, bakers rack, box of linen and a large black bag in a solid square shape. I had to see what was in the bag and couldn't find anything from the name (Oaksworth) in time on my smart phone. Took a small chance and it turned out to be a massage table. Pretty nice one, should pay for everything and some.

Small crowd, 5 people for 5 rooms. Looking forward to some auctions in South Carolina toward the end of the month.

Re: May - June
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2014, 06:12:12 AM »
I just started back last week and it has not been good. Seen at least 60 lockers bid on 5 and only bought one.  It was a good one with a Cat Scan Machine and you can read all about that on another thread.
The big runs have been really tough with a ton of competition and not much merchandise.  I am going to try and stick to the independent storage facilities instead of the main ones like Public and Uncle Bobs.

Re: May - June
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2014, 04:32:45 PM »
 i havent bought a locker in a week and a half and its killing me. I'm heading out tomorrow to land a few nice ones(hopefully).

June 13 was AUCTION DAY

Started by Cheesehead

0 Replies
Last post June 13, 2015, 11:04:44 PM
by Cheesehead
Auction Scene #6...June, 2012

Started by MovieMan

56 Replies
Last post July 01, 2012, 05:01:21 PM
by Cobia
Auction Scene #6...June, 2013

Started by MovieMan

10 Replies
Last post June 26, 2013, 08:57:38 PM
by Cobia
Lookey Loos Part 6.....June, 2011

Started by MovieMan

24 Replies
Last post June 28, 2011, 11:26:57 AM
by MovieMan