Storage Auctions

Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??

Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:54:11 PM »
We paid $4600 for a 20x30 that was packed from front to back and from floor to ceiling with stuff.

Overall we almost tripled the money we spent but it was a living HELL moving separating and selling it all off....

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Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 09:10:35 PM »
We paid $4600 for a 20x30 that was packed from front to back and from floor to ceiling with stuff.

Overall we almost tripled the money we spent but it was a living HELL moving separating and selling it all off....

In addition to whatever answers you get here, there are several in this thread as well.

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Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2011, 09:19:24 AM »
Paid $250.00 for a full 10x10. I usually target units @ $150.00 and below because they are smaller units to move and been profitable.

Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 09:45:37 AM »
In addition to whatever answers you get here, there are several in this thread as well.

Yeah I saw that but the Thread is over 120 days old and some people would of replied saying.......Do you know you just posted on something blah blah blah old.....LOL

Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 07:13:23 PM »
Most I have paid was $875 at a silent auction for a very large unit (drive through commercial type).  So it was something like 20 x 40 or such.  No idea really.  Lost my butt on the unit.  Looked great from the door and turned out to be junk.

Least I've paid is $1 at a "loud" auction for a 10x10.  Got a few "free" units of various size.
Least silent auction was $26 and made some money on it.

Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2012, 12:21:36 AM »
Cheapest one we got was just a couple weeks back and it was $10. We made like $200 off it when all was said and done but $10 bucks is cheap and would of paid it even if I saw just junk just in hopes the WOW factor was hidden in there........LOL

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Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2012, 09:58:13 AM »
The most I've spent was $2,900. It was for a house-full (literallly) of goods.

The 3 bedroom house was abandoned by its occupants and when only 6 of us showed up for this auction I was fairly hopeful of getting it for a grand or so, but one of the people there was on the phone with someone (probably content owners) and they took it up.

The house was 3 bedrooms and 2 car garage. The car in the garage and one in the side yard were not included. This "locker" came out good, doubling the money spent. I kept the 60" big screen tv and have it on now as I type this on laptop in the living room.

The former contents owner actually came by at my flea market booth and was giving me advice about the 3 saddles I had for sale from his garage. I didn't know he was the owner at the time until a couple of days later he came by the house and made himself known to me...he created no problems and bought back a Wii console and some other stuff.
He was computer fan too and had 3 great desktop computers (one of which I kept) as well as lot of other "man" stuff.

Good "locker"...took me a week to clean out by myself.

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Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2012, 01:49:12 PM »
$450 was my high for a 10x30, filled!

Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2012, 05:38:43 PM »
So Movie the auction was actually at the house itself ??  If so cool deal...

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Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2012, 06:17:42 PM »
So Movie the auction was actually at the house itself ??  If so cool deal...

Yep, this was in Oct, 2009...1 year before the tv shows. Who knows what crowd would be today...and it was one of the big 4 auctioneers in my area.

The former tenant had even left the dog behind....neighbors had to rescue it !

Never got full story on the abandonment...didn't feel like asking him, but it was a rental he had been in for MANY years. Fell on hard times and they carried him as long as they could I guess. If he took anything with him it had to be small and portable as it was essentially a full household.

Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2012, 07:43:49 PM »
Wow I have never seen one go like that before unless it was an estate sale and it was piece by piece. And you got it pretty cheap too.


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Re: Most you've ever paid for a unit and what size was it ??
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2012, 08:40:57 AM »
I dropped $1480 on a 10 x 20 full of furniture. So far I have broke even, have about four or five pieces of furniture left to sell, and kept for myself an estimated retail price of $1200 China cabinet and buffet.

Still all in all, with all the work involved, paid too much, won't do that again!

First 2 feet and the unit is paid for

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