Storage Auctions

My new rule is I NEVER

Offline bwd111

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My new rule is I NEVER
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:04:15 PM »
goto a live auction the day after a storage show is on tv. I did a little test and it worked! In my state we have a website where you can post for free under the classifieds kinda like CL. But everyone goes to ksl to buy and sell stuff. As for my test I went to Auctions on ksl and looked for an live auction and wrote down the number of web hits the auction had before the show then after the show I went back to look at the hits and it was triplle. People getting the auction bug. Too many newbies at the auctions the day after the show.

Re: My new rule is I NEVER
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 12:24:33 PM »
Interesting - I'll have to see if I have the same type of numbers on post where I'm at.  Will keep an eye out after tuesday night's show to see if the web search views at the local paper goes up greatly.

I know the saturday auction I went to had 100+ people at it.  However, I spoke with a number of people and they only knew about the auction due to the big orange neon sign by the road announcing it.  Most people didn't know the rules, how many units were up, etc.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: My new rule is I NEVER
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 11:17:35 PM »
Thats very interesting, will have to check this out myself. Which will be soon. Been to hot to take kids out to the auction, so I have to wait till school starts again, which is next week.

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