Storage Auctions

My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...

My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« on: June 23, 2013, 07:15:01 PM »
So, the "flea market" where I pay $300 a month isn't working out so good recently. Rather than go through the list of problems I'm having with the location, I'd like to ask the group for advice as to where to move my sales. I'm looking for something of a flex space, as an office for my printing business, and warehouse for my junk but the price is out of my budget.

The alternate option is to sell out of a storage space. For you guys who do this, how does it work for you? I've seen posts where guys have shelving set up, clothing racks, etc. Do you guys operate by appointment? Set up on the weekends? Is it just holding space for your online sales?

Lots of questions, looking for a bunch of input!

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2013, 07:53:20 PM »
Well, I can't give you any advice on conducting business out of a storage locker, that would be all kinds of illegal where I live. Even in area's where it is legal I suspect you would probably spend a lot of time at first convincing local authorities that it's not drugs you are selling out of it.

But, just food for thought, if you happen to live near a unincorporated or country area, I can assure you that you can find someone willing to rent you their rickety old barn on the cheap. Also, as you can open burn outside of city limits anything beyond repair that's not recyclable can just be turned into free bonfire food. (What I've had to do with mattresses for the past couple years after people stopped buying them used because of bedbugs.) 

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2013, 08:32:10 PM »
There are unincorporated areas around. But I live in a pretty populated area (Raleigh/Durham) to get to those parts that are unincorporated, I'd have to travel about an hour. About the cheapest deal I've found is in Durham near a major shopping area for $400/month. It's a 300 sq. ft. store front. Tiny. Tiny. Tiny.

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Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2013, 09:19:04 PM »
About the cheapest deal I've found is in Durham near a major shopping area for $400/month. It's a 300 sq. ft. store front. Tiny. Tiny. Tiny.

Still, even with the extra $100 it's a better deal than the flea market. Your competition isn't one table away, you can be open more than just the weekends, it has a roof, and a bathroom. :)

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2013, 09:30:37 PM »
Still, even with the extra $100 it's a better deal than the flea market. Your competition isn't one table away,

The competition there was non existent. It was really just me selling in the back of their store. All the other pods are filled with their storage auction overflow that couldn't fit in the store. They had employees there on the weekend to sell their stuff.. when they showed up.

When I was trying to make it work, when their employees wouldn't show up, I'd sell their stuff for a 50% commission. But I got tired of being the only out there.. On top of that, the weather is killing us! At least one of the weekend days is a rain out.

Also, each of the last 4 weeks we've pulled ticks off of us. It's just a bad situation every way you look at it. The guys are sweethearts, but it's frustrating being the only ones out there.

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2013, 09:33:43 PM »
Also, this 300 sq. ft. space very close to a Target and Sam's Club. Should I be worried?

Here's the link to the address..

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2013, 12:15:17 PM »
300 sq ft is VERY tiny.  you will find out that you are quickly overwhelmed.  Even at 900 sq ft our first shop is kinda small.

Forget the selling out of the storage unit, most places management will find they dont like the traffic.

For me its....a small shop selling stuff, and craigslist and ebay.  Craigslist can pickup at my shop, which drives foot traffic and keeps weird people from showing up at my home.  (Well other then me and my family-we're kinda weird).

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2013, 02:23:15 PM »
I hear you, 300 sq. ft. is small. But it's in a great plaza in front of Target/Sam's Club and next to restaurants like Golden Corral and others. My other options are $800 for 600 sq. ft. which I'm nervous about taking on, but it's near home and gets TONS of traffic passing by per day. No street signage though.. and $1025 for 1100 sq. ft. just outside of Cary NC's downtown area. Lots of construction going on down there currently, not much traffic when there was no construction that I could see.

Neighbors in  the 600 sq. ft. unit is a couple of restaurants, an Indian foods store, printer, Molly Maids, computer repair shop and tire center..

Neighbors in 1,100 sq. ft. store is a scooter store (like rascals, not cool scooters), a church, and a sportswear shop.

....Just got another offer.. $844 including water/electric for 779 sq. ft. in the heart of downtown Cary. High foot traffic. Part of an indoor mall. Very tempting. Don't know if I can swing the rent though..

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2013, 06:01:21 PM »
well 300 sq foot is too small. A couple couches and your shop would be feeling really small. Maybe your best bet is to try and split a corner of the store for a couple hundred a month to a business that does not need much space. A ups and fedex vendor,  a cable or satellite provider kiosk, maybe have an extra draw and rent floor space to a vending or arcade company. If you look in areas where business is suffering low traffic you can likely find someone willing to gamble a few hundred a month for better exposure. Put out some feelers, some of those ideas may be odd pairings, but they aren't competition and every extra set of feet that comes in will see your wares.

Re: My Selling Situation Isn't Working Out...
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2013, 05:05:19 PM »
That's not a bad idea! I'm going to look at this 779 sq. ft. unit tomorrow. At least I hope.. My eye has swollen shut overnight.. Damn allergies.. I'll have to see how it's laid out, if he allows sublets, etc.

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