Storage Auctions

Number of members here and activity level reflects auction scene

Offline MovieMan

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As of Jan 31, 2011 there are about 930 members and 950 or so posts.

The admirable thing about this is that 900 or so of those members haven't made a single post.
I say this is a good thing because maybe 880 of those 900 are probably "newbies" who are doing
a good thing by doing a lot of reading (hopefully) and not a lot of posting at this point.

This reflects what they are doing at auctions...watching for the most part. The ones who are buying are
typically paying too much (IMHO) and will get a lesson in buying/selling and lkr contents pretty quickly.
I mentioned in another post the fellow who paid $825 for a lkr that should have gone for about $200 tops. He hasn't been to another auction since. Guess he is stacking his gold bars.

Meanwhile the statistics here speak for themselves. It will be interesting to see the continued new membership numbers here and if the really new "buyers" start to make some headway....certainly SOME of them will.

Offline ZoSo

Re: Number of members here and activity level reflects auction scene
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2011, 04:02:08 PM »
I'm not necessarily a newbie to the game but a newbie to the forums. 
I haven't hit up an auction since November, I'm a teacher with a one year old son, so free time is extremely rare.  However, I am planning on hitting up an auction on Saturday.  I live in the Twin Cities and the auction is about 30 minutes out of the metro, I'm curious about the crowd situation due to the national exposure this "hobby" has been receiving.  I did find a really sweet website that has every town within a 50 miles radius' local legal ads/news.  And it's amazing how many storage auctions are listed that I was unaware of otherwise.  It's incredible.  Auctionzip only had 1 of these auctions on it's website, ONE!  Out of at least 30 auctions.  I'll keep you posted on what the auction situation is like here in the frozen state of Minnesota.

No activity in my zip code

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