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Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here

Offline MovieMan

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Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« on: February 16, 2011, 10:16:33 PM »
I got 7 pistol cases today....see my full post in the WEST section of your neck of the woods.

Meanwhile, here's a spot to post gun stories....guns you've gotten (or heard about) in storage lkrs.

I'll come back later with my stories.

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Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 05:24:46 PM »
Over the last 7 years I've gotten 6 guns including a nice 22 with a big telescopic sight, a Ruger 10-22 (normal stock), A Ruger 357 and others I can't quite remember..nothing remarkable, but the last one I got a couple of months ago I am holding on to...the others I sold.

This one is a Ruger P85...I think it was the first of the P series and was made between 1987 and 1992 if I remember correctly.

In the locker I got on Feb 16, 2011 I got a lot of gun related gear but no guns. I ended up with 7 gun cases, lots of leather and nylon holsters, magazine holders, etc.

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Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 07:58:59 AM »
Anybody else ever gotten a gun? I personally have not..

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 08:44:41 AM »
I actually wonder...and this is me thinking out loud...if there are more guns in storage in CA because of the amount of laws that hinder gun ownership.  Here in NC, if you own a gun, I am pretty sure you would have it with you, not in storage, but that is just my general opinion, since I live in the sticks and hear guns go off pretty much every day.


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Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 09:08:32 AM »
I actually wonder...and this is me thinking out loud...if there are more guns in storage in CA because of the amount of laws that hinder gun ownership.  Here in NC, if you own a gun, I am pretty sure you would have it with you, not in storage, but that is just my general opinion, since I live in the sticks and hear guns go off pretty much every day.
Well, there are plenty of gun owners in CA and most would keep their guns at home, but now and then they end up in lockers for one reason or another.  The only time you hear them going off in my metro area is when the south end occupants start popping off at each other, or some dumb a** shoots his girlfriend because she was getting it on with some other dumb a**.

I went to Arizona recently and at flea markets there you could buy long guns AND pistols right off the table with no questions asked if you had the right ethnic background/age/profile. They might have turned some people down. I saw one table that had half a dozen 9mm and 40 cal pistols.

I grew up in Kansas and it was an easy proposition to walk out in the woods and go squirrel hunting or target shooting.

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 12:18:34 PM »
Some "Lucky" auction buyer got this unit a while back over in Bellevue.  Imagine what this guy thought when he started digging around in this unit!  Until he realized, uh oh, and they called the feds!

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 12:57:51 PM »
Some "Lucky" auction buyer got this unit a while back over in Bellevue.  Imagine what this guy thought when he started digging around in this unit!  Until he realized, uh oh, and they called the feds!

Now THAT's the WOW factor. Too bad it was such an extreme case!  Thanks for posting the story.

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2011, 02:01:52 PM »
Some "Lucky" auction buyer got this unit a while back over in Bellevue.  Imagine what this guy thought when he started digging around in this unit!  Until he realized, uh oh, and they called the feds!

After the feds took the explosives and MGs the buyer was allowed to keep the rest. I saw the remains at the WAC show.  I think the buyer wholesaled most of the stuff off to a regular at the show. He must have cleared $100K on all the ammo and parts. If the machine guns had been registered there would have been over a million in guns alone in the unit. 

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 02:10:23 PM »
I have gotten 6 complete more or less guns and and a couple incomplete guns in the last 3 years. Most have been junk. Most I got for any of them was $100 for a Winchester 370 shotgun.  I got a S&W revolver in a unit this year but it was missing all the inards and the grips. I still have it doubt I will get more then $25 for it.  OLast year I got a Spanish double with the stock broken off and rust all over it, sold that for $60 and was happy to get it sinc I only paid $510 for the unit. I find a lot of ammo and an occasional magazine but the guns are rarely in the units.  I do know one buyer who got a unit for $35 and found 7 long guns rolled up in a carpet. I did not see the guns so I do not know how good they were but that would be a great find even iff they were cheap guns.  If you want to buy guns go to a gun show your odds are much better there then at a storage auction.  I bought some contents from another bidder of a unit that was from a gun shop. No complete guns but a ton of stocks and parts along with a few tools.  I have done well on the stocks and parts on The orignal buyer thought he was getting a gold mine becasue there were about 150 gun boxes showing. They were all empty. 

Offline terry

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2011, 07:55:37 PM »
I found box o 9mm shells today. But no gun. Gave them to a cop that was there trying to sort out a accident. A lady backed into a truck and broke his tail light. Going to be a good unit. Payed $200 and should triple my money. Another 25 or more hats. That makes over 50 this week. Also a lot of shoes. Best shoes a pair of air Jordans.

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2011, 11:41:38 PM »
Guy I know got at least one gun in a unit today, maybe more.  I bid on it a little bit, but the gun was an H&R break open single shot and it was pretty rusty.  There was some ammo in there, and possibly a few more guns.  There were a couple of gun cases and ammo cans and a bow case, and a couple of deer head mounts.  I was going to go check it out with him today after the run, but I bought a few myself and had to leave early due to go pick up my wife at work due to all the snow we got today.  I'll touch base with him in the next couple of days and post what was in there. 

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2011, 08:53:02 AM »
Best I got was a 22LR PUMP made in 1906. Little rough but I'm a hunter so I cleaned the barrel and took it to camp. Remarkably the damn thing shot like new and was still very accurate. Saw an identical one at a gun show here and the old guy was asking 1600 for it. Found it on the net at a collectors site for 1200 so I figure mine is worth around 700. Haven't been able to bring myself to sell it yet///////

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2011, 09:52:31 PM »
Only ammo and gun parts and magazine for me so far.
But one of the regular  guys here in Memphis got a locker last month with 4 guns and a rifle in it. The rifle looked almost brand new.


Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2011, 10:25:54 PM »
I picked up a nice 1951 Winchester .22 rifle a month ago... It'll stay in my collection. Found a cool western leather gun belt and holster this weekend.

Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2011, 10:27:54 PM »
I've found a Ruger M77 .30-06 with a nice scope.  In the same unit, I also got a 20ga semi auto, and a 20ga side by side shotguns.  
And then in three separate units, I got a small German .22 short pistol, a Mosin Nagant 7.62x54, and a cheap single shot .22 that isn't worth much at all.  I've found a lot of ammo (I've got a 5 gallon bucket full of nothing but 12 ga shotgun shells sitting in my shop) and gun cases and gun rugs and camo gear and holsters, but those are the only guns.

That other guy I was talking about a couple of days ago only got the one gun in the unit.  It is actually a Stevens Marksman, and may be worth $150 or so.  But, he got a progressive rifle/pistol reloader and a progressive shotgun shell reloader.   He also got two deer head mounts, and there were a couple of ammo cans in there, one of them had 1000 rounds of .223 ap and the other had a bunch of shotgun reloading stuff.  He also got some other ammo and a bunch of reloading components and reloading dies.  He also got a Browning Bow in a case, and a bunch of stereo equipment that was hidden.  He will do very well on that one!

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