Storage Auctions

profiling a locker II

profiling a locker II
« on: February 16, 2011, 07:04:59 PM »
How to spot a set-up locker. set-up locker definition-a locker that items are in plain site to encourage the bidder to pay more than the locker is worth. Yes ,I have been a victim and I have had to learn the hard way with cash. 

1. Jewelry box in plain site

2.Gun case in plain site

3. High- in boxes in plain site

ALL EMPTY !!!!!! LOL and not very happy

Offline terry

Re: profiling a locker II
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 07:31:55 PM »
Yes and if the auctioneer has you pay him instead of the storage facility you. And all the rest pay the facility. You have been had. And that does happen. Always ask the auction coordinator how many units there are and what #s. Especially if the auctioneer is taking the locks off. 

Re: profiling a locker II
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 02:16:58 PM »
Those may indicate a set up locker they may not. I bought a unit in Jan 2010 with two long guns showing not in cases but obviously not very valuable guns.  The unit was big.  Turned out to be the estate of a Medical Examiner.  I found a complete set of the Warren Commision Report in the original boxes with a state department address on it.  One box not ever opened. They sold on ebay for over $2K. There was a Omega 18K gold watch, a $100 cash, a few ounces of sterling and lots of other good stuff as well but no other guns.  Tons of crap as usual but i made money so just because you see somethign good does not mean it is a set up but remember what you are seeing may be all the good stuff.

Offline terry

Re: profiling a locker II
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 07:59:28 PM »
I had a auctioneer tell me that he would sell a unit for me. At the regular auction with out the consent of the facility.

profiling a locker

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