Storage Auctions

profiling a locker

Re: profiling a locker
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2011, 02:35:56 PM »
I like buying big units cramed full becasue the price per cubic inch of stuff is generally lower. On the other hand a 5X5 stuffed full can have a lot of stuff in it. I once bought a 5X5 packed into the rafters.  It took 3 loads in my Expedition to unload.   That was after throwing the dead rat into the parking lot.  I always look at the ratio of big items to small in a huge locker.  I like small items much better so will pay more for a unit that I think has a lot of smalls in it and no or few large.  It only takes one item to make a locker a good one.  My preference it to look at how much stuff is in a locker not the size and try to minimize price per pound of good looking stuff. On small lockers I always factor in a $20 to $35 dump fee when bidding.  On big locker over 10X10 I figure a minimum $100 at the dump.  I have seen 10X30 foot lockers with less stuff in them then 5X10 foot lockers.  In Dec I got a 10X30 for $1.  It had a few big items and looked no good but I got $15 for a dreser and have a Harley wheel and exhaust system left. Dump fees on that one were under $20.  

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Re: profiling a locker
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2014, 09:56:45 AM »
Just thought I would revive this topic to see if we can get other input on locker profiling. Anyone have anything to add?

Re: profiling a locker
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2014, 11:11:04 AM »
very cool topic, i hadn't seen it yet. By far in my area if you want a deal you go for big. a 5x5 will sell for the same amount as a 10x30 around here. There is work involved of course but i generally pull everything out that i want and hire someone to clear the rest(and keep what they want). if there is a lot of good stuff i'll take what i really like and leave some meat on the bone and resell to someone i know.

That being said, i buy units of all sizes but the best bang for the buck seems to be big lockers because not everyone has the ability to move it all.

profiling a locker II

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