Storage Auctions

Just An Observation.........

Just An Observation.........
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:38:12 PM »
I bought two more units the last couple of days, so I am up to seven so far this week.  That's not what I wanted to talk about though!

This past week, I have really been watching people and paying attention to everything going on.  I have noticed that the people that are buying units now are the same people that were buying the units before the.....cough, cough, "reality shows"! 

What I see happening, (at least in my area) is all these new people are showing up and just taking up space.  I would say the vast majority of them are just following the crowd and looking inside the units, but when it comes down to the bidding, with a few exceptions, it's still the same "veteran buyers" that are buying the great majority of the units.

I don't even mind the new guys anymore.  In fact, there's this one new kid and his wife that I'm actually starting to like!  It's not really affecting me that much at all (although a 20 minute auction is taking 2 hours just so everybody can have their look at the unit), and if I have to pay an extra 100 bucks or so, oh well, it's the cost of doing business.

It's a funny business this auction thing.  Go to an auction and look at the camaraderie, it's actually kind of amazing.  We all stand around BS'ing and joking, talking about each others families, latest auction "score", sports, etc, and we might even get together and have lunch together on a run, but when the door goes up and the bidding's every man (or woman!) for himself!

Re: Just An Observation.........
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 11:30:50 PM »
I have to agree with you 100%

It is the same thing here in Memphis, except i am what you would consider one of the new guys. LOL but i try my best to buy units that fits my taste and gut feeling.

storage wars observation

Started by fredgsanford

10 Replies
Last post May 02, 2012, 02:17:03 PM
by craiglstauction