Storage Auctions

Roadtrip this week

Roadtrip this week
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:38:59 PM »
This week i am going on two roadrtrips to attend auctions.
First one is on wedensday down in Mississippi, about 45 min drive from my house.
Then on thursday i am goin to Nashville, about 2,5-3 hours away.
Everyone i have talked to says that Nashville has a lot of good lockers, so i have to check this out for my self.

In Mississippi there is one location with 18 units up for auction. I guess it will be less come auction day.
The auction in Nashville is 5 different location, with a total of 54 units, i expect this to be lower as well come auction day.

But this is just for fun, since we don't have any auctions to speak of in Memphis this week. Just a few trashy ones not even worth going to.

I am gonna try and get at least one locker in Mississippi and one in Nashville. Maybe more if my luck are with me.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Roadtrip this week
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 08:37:58 PM »
Many of the regulars from my area (Chattanooga) go to Nashville and Atlanta on a regular basis, I have heard from some that Huntsville, Alabama has better stuff in lkrs, and smaller crowds + lower winning bid amounts than both Chattanooga and Nashville. One guy in the biz has been hitting Atlanta pretty hard because of the rumors of better quality stuff in lkrs, and so far he has been hauling a lot of the same junk, at higher bid prices back to Chattanooga. Although others have had some success getting good stuff in Atlanta. I have not taken the drive myself because at this time I can not justify that the extra fuel costs, and time spent will be recouped by better quality stuff in lkrs from those cities. I suppose if you have a big truck and buy multiple units you can spread the fuel costs across them, but I don't see it. I think someone on this forum said, "it doesn't matter what part of the country you are in, most lkrs have the same junk in them."

On a side note, we have been getting an influx of people into our area attending auctions from Florida, and North Carolina because they heard lkrs in our area are going cheap compared to where they are from! I had to bid against guys from Florida on the last unit I won!

Good Luck!

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Roadtrip this week
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 08:44:02 PM »
Many of the regulars from my area (Chattanooga) go to Nashville and Atlanta on a regular basis, I have heard from some that Huntsville, Alabama has better stuff in lkrs, and smaller crowds + lower winning bid amounts than both Chattanooga and Nashville. One guy in the biz has been hitting Atlanta pretty hard because of the rumors of better quality stuff in lkrs, and so far he has been hauling a lot of the same junk, at higher bid prices back to Chattanooga. Although others have had some success getting good stuff in Atlanta. I have not taken the drive myself because at this time I can not justify that the extra fuel costs, and time spent will be recouped by better quality stuff in lkrs from those cities. I suppose if you have a big truck and buy multiple units you can spread the fuel costs across them, but I don't see it. I think someone on this forum said, "it doesn't matter what part of the country you are in, most lkrs have the same junk in them."

On a side note, we have been getting an influx of people into our area attending auctions from Florida, and North Carolina because they heard lkrs in our area are going cheap compared to where they are from! I had to bid against guys from Florida on the last unit I won!

Good Luck!

Aside from some "pockets" here and there, everything you said rings true with me. Count me in with the folks
who say the junk (and treasure) is the same the country over. Yes, there are good lockers, and yes we each get them now and again in one level of "goodness" or another, but chasing from one town to another isn't for me. The more I see, the more the local ones look good...local might mean a 30 mile radius to me...might mean a 100 mile radius to someone else. Everyone has a view as to what works and what doesn't. Each person has to discover for him/herself what works for them.

Re: Roadtrip this week
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 07:35:34 AM »
I am on track with you guys on that.
But i also have to say, that when i was doing this in Knoxville a year before moving to memphis. The lockers in Knoxville was 9 out of 10 times better.

I don't mind going on a roadtrip, to me it is the fun factor, and i can consollidate that trip with other business, so it is ok.

Gas money and cost, well i can do i write off in the books, so it is more of a techinical thing. It will reduce my taxes over the whole year.
Plus the fun factor, i am willing to pay for the fun factor of it.

Re: Roadtrip this week
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 10:01:26 AM »
good luck... certainly looks quiet in our immediate area this week. I will probably see you on Thursday.

Re: Roadtrip this week
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2011, 10:53:03 AM »
good luck... certainly looks quiet in our immediate area this week. I will probably see you on Thursday.

Yeah not much happening before may 3rd now.

Roadtrip to Las Vegas anyone?

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