Storage Auctions

Selling storage treasures

Selling storage treasures
« on: September 24, 2011, 05:53:32 AM »
So here it is been two weeks since I bought my last lkr and im itching to buy another soon problem is im out of money and I got tuns of inventory with no buyers. problem 1: I live in the middle of bfe so people have little money to spend. Problem 2: im over an hour from the big cities so really hard to get to flea markets out there. Problem 3: most people dont seem to want to drive over an hour to buy an item on cl when its cheap and one heck of a bargain.

Ok enough with the problems time for positive thinking and solutions. Ive considered driving over an hour to the nearest city for flea markets. Also posting on CL for the flea markets in the city for the bigger items I could bring with and try to sell there. Ive also considered selling a bunch of 1 dollar items on ebay mostly decorative and household items just to sell them and make a quick buck. My last idea was to go to a bigger city and ask around if maybe I could set up a sale in a grocery parking lot or bank lot.

Any ideas or input on this would be great as I dont want to stop doing auctions just cause of my location. Also any clever ways yall can think of to sell items would be great thanks

Offline ChefJ

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Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 09:01:31 AM »
I don't want to come off like an ass hole, but shouldn't you have the selling part figured out before you do the buying?  Thats the most difficult part of the strategy.
In your case you are going to have to do some driving to get things done.  Ebay is gerat if your items are over 5 dollars.  If you are only going to sell $.99 items on there you are going to get eaten up with ebay fees, shipping, and gas for you to go to the post office.  Better to sell things in lots and get a little more money.
CL will be your most economical bet, but you are going to have to travel to make it a good bargain for the buyer.  Just make sure that you are going to town to sell multimple items, or once again gas will eat up your profits.

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 09:53:57 AM »
Nah you didnt come off as an ass. In fact I thought I had the ways to sell items I just didnt figure in all the factors of people not buying items in areas where I thought be selling. I have many contacts and buyers for many different items problem is there not the items I have. Ok I will try and sell other items on ebay. Mostly I havent a problem with driving to sell items its just the issue of gas to get to the bigger cities then making the money when there. But will take your advice and make this happen as it is my only source of income for the time being.

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Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2011, 11:46:41 AM »
Its tough even with good items sometimes.  I HATE relisting on ebay, they hit you twice for what should have sold the first time.  There are quite a few other online auction sites popping up along with classified type websites.
Do you have any consignment shops around you?  If you have decent clothes you can consign them and get them off of your shelves.  They only pay 40-50% but you don't have to worry about trying to sell them yourself.

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2011, 12:05:09 PM »
i got a couple consignment shops within 45-60 minutes from me. but no decent clothes as of yet mostly walmart stuff nothing special. most the stuff i have is trinkets (go figure) some electronics, tools, furniture and stuff like that bedding, christmas and home decor. no little places that buy items close that would be worth the drive. my last option would be to box up all the unwanted small items and post them on CL for cheap. might be the best way to make a few dollars while still keeping my good stuff that might sell. but the best i got around me is an auction house that you can take anything to and will auction off for a small percentage. thats the best i got thats decent.

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Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2011, 12:27:42 PM »
Move? Lol just kidding. Sounds like you are going to have to drive to a bigger town for flea market or maybe get several craigslist buyers for different items where it will be worth your drive into the bigger city to meet up with them

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2011, 12:35:57 PM »
I don't want to come off like an ass hole, but shouldn't you have the selling part figured out before you do the buying?  Thats the most difficult part of the strategy.
In your case you are goin
CL will be your most economical bet, but you are going to have to travel to make it a good bargain for the buyer.  Just make sure that you are going to town to sell multimple items, or once again gas will eat up your profits.
thats a good idea tell them delivery available for a certain price

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2011, 12:40:24 PM »
How about Auction Houses.I have had some success getting rid of some of the stuff that I didn't feel like flea marketing.Its kind of a crap stoot but it might be an option,

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2011, 01:33:56 PM »
@ drew
Actually im already planning on moving to around phoenix az. for school just need to pay some bills down first. That a big enough city for you? Lol. Yeah I will probably post in the bigger cities and charge them a set price for gas per distance for delivery. Not a bad idear. As for bigger flea markets that means more booth rent and way more gas but with a little price adjusting its possible.

Yeah I think theres only one auction house around here about 30-45minutes away but could try it out and see what happens with a few hard to sell items. Plus theres a lot of drunks there that like to spend money hehe.

Thanks for the advice. If yall think of any more idears let me know please. My mind is open to anything right now.

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2011, 03:46:00 PM »
Dang - you live that far out I'm sort of surprised you've found many units to purchase.  Is everything in working condition and such?  Or do you have a number of busted electronic items and such?  If so take the time to break them down to pull out the copper and other metals.  Like you I'm looking to squeeze every penny I can out of a unit.  So started to look at other ways to salvage or make some money from broken "trash".

One idea I've had but not tried yet since still sorting.  All of the ripped, stained, etc. clothing could be recycled.  I've thought about cutting out the good portions of jeans and such to sale as scrap fabric.  I remember my grandmother doing that in order to make quilts, patches, and such.  No idea if it's really worth it or not now a days.

With halloween coming up maybe you can make up some "costume" packages and such to sale.  Try to combine items and market them together.  Like the juicer I have for sale, I've added a book about juicing in the mix as a "freebie".

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2011, 06:43:53 PM »
Well crailstauction there are a lot of small towns that I go to since not many peopke go to them and prices are fairly cheap most expensive ive seen is 1050 in the small areas. Yeah everything I have left is in good condition. All electronics work even the old ones. I do have a number of power cords and such that I was going to keep in case I ever find something that they can go to or eventually put them on CL or ebay to sell. All clothing I have is in good or new condition the rest I cut up to use for my shop ( im a diesel tech unemployed with no tools that I need) but hopefully soon most of my inventory will be gone and I can start going to auctions again.

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Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2011, 11:29:35 PM »
Hey Terrorbow, not trying to be an asshole either, but I thought you said you had the big stuff sold or that you had dumped some merchandise to get your money back.  Is it really that bad up there?

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2011, 03:43:22 AM »
Big stuff is sold the smalls and small valuable items people wont buy. Hell I was offeref 5 dollars for a craftsman ratchet when its marked 15. I told the guy to hit the road that im not stupid or that desperate. It happens like that all the time. Like I said I got buyers for about 90% of my items just the other10% is what gets me that I need to  sell to make a good profit. Hate to say this acman but from now on its either tool units or good lookin furniture units and thats it.

As for the economy up here... No one has jobs and those that do dont want to part with there money. Remember most towns up here are farming based communities.

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2011, 05:16:52 AM »
Think about items people really want but just cant spring for it
Or need it but its out of their price range..i think nice furniture, or expensive houshold items
like u mentioned would do good in this economy cus u can afford to sell somethimg like that highly discounted an still make a killing. U gotta be strategic in ur buying and strategic in ur selling. I just sold my old boss, full asking price for a new set of decent golf clubs just cus i mentioned they were available.

Re: Selling storage treasures
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2011, 07:12:17 AM »
Well BigBizz furniture I have a guy that will pay me a fair value for them out of the unit and I dont even have to store it. All he does is make aquick profit on it by selling it to another guy who sells it above retail. The only furniture im going to store is antiques but even then those are slowing down where I live. But I think from now on its just going to be things I know I can turn fo rt a quick profit if I get more then great if not then ay least I made a few dollars.

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