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Tenant Publishes Fake Legal Notice To Recover Personal Belongings

Offline Travis

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I came across a legal notice which appears to be published a tenant in an effort to locate the buyer of her unit and to retrieve her personal belongings.

This noticed immediately got my attention because Public Storage (in the DFW area) never publishes a legal notice for only one facility. Check it out:

Public Sale
In accordance with the Texas property code, Chapter 59, Public Storage of Irving at 1212 East Airport Frwy., Irving/tx/75062, will conduct a public auction to satisfy a landlord 's lien. Units will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. Seller reserves the right to withdraw any unit or not accept any bid at time of sale. Sale will be held at 1212 East Airport Frwy., Irving/tx/75062 on 12/12/2014, 12/13/2014 at noon.
A deposit may be required for removal and cleanup.
Names of tenants and general description: Alexander Robles and Samantha Allen. kids toys and personal records i.e. birth records, med recs, personal belongings. we are trying to retrieve our lost belongings. mainly just our personal memory chest. beige in color. if you retained the items from storage unit 132 in the past few months at the given location, please contact Samantha or I to possibly discuss paying for that particular item. thank you so much. there are too many memories to let go. 903-916-1328. can call any time day or night.
Tenants may redeem their goods for full payment in cash only up to time of auction. Call Public Storage of Irving at 903-916-1328 .

I have a feeling there will be people who don't read the entire ad and show up to Public Storage expecting an auction. 

So, do you think this was a smart move on the tenant's part?

Re: Tenant Publishes Fake Legal Notice To Recover Personal Belongings
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2014, 11:09:05 AM »
Well, It sounds like they are walking a fine line. They would go get that box if they really wanted but I have a feeling they are overlocked. IF they are working in conjunction with the facility to sell the unit it sounds legit(IE facility will take off their lock when 3rd party buys).

Offline Travis

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Re: Tenant Publishes Fake Legal Notice To Recover Personal Belongings
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2014, 11:38:04 AM »
Well, It sounds like they are walking a fine line. They would go get that box if they really wanted but I have a feeling they are overlocked. IF they are working in conjunction with the facility to sell the unit it sounds legit(IE facility will take off their lock when 3rd party buys).

I interpreted it as the unit was already sold and the property had been removed. I think they just had to word the legal notice like this to get it published. I tried to get an ad for published in the legal notice section of a few different newspapers, they wouldn't do it though since it wasn't an actual notice of sale.

Re: Tenant Publishes Fake Legal Notice To Recover Personal Belongings
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2014, 04:15:00 PM »
yah i dunno. it's pretty convoluted

Re: Tenant Publishes Fake Legal Notice To Recover Personal Belongings
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2015, 09:28:12 AM »
I November I got a unit that has enough personal effect I filled 3 LARGE moving boxes and a clothes basket with them. (Pictures, school records, birth records, taxes)  To dispose of I would have had to make an extra trip.. The manager offered to take care and get them back to the owner.  I was very thankful!!

How far will you go to return a tenant's personal or sentimental items?

Started by Travis

8 Replies
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What should I include in my legal notice?

Started by Travis

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What do you think the average number of units advertised per legal notice is?

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Do the contents listed in the legal notice effect your decision to attend?

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