Storage Auctions

The last few auction the people

Offline bwd111

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The last few auction the people
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:55:29 AM »
have really started to drop off. Use to get 40 to 60 now down to 15 -30. last 3 weeks have seen a huge drop off. Also storage companys have reported more people are paying off units. Guess the tv shows have impact on both renter and buyer. And a lot of people i have talked to sellers are having a harder time then ever selling due to as I have said this before to much supply and not enough demand.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: The last few auction the people
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 10:27:07 AM »
have really started to drop off. Use to get 40 to 60 now down to 15 -30. last 3 weeks have seen a huge drop off. Also storage companys have reported more people are paying off units. Guess the tv shows have impact on both renter and buyer. And a lot of people i have talked to sellers are having a harder time then ever selling due to as I have said this before to much supply and not enough demand.

I went to one of the major auctioneer's two separate auctions yesterday (10 6 2011) and found about 15 people at the first one and maybe 30 plus at the next. That's definitely down from the 60 to 100 of some months ago, but still high compared to a year or more ago when (in my area) a BIG crowd was 25 and a regular crowd was maybe 10.

I am going to three auctions today by another of the bigger auctioneers and I am expecting bigger crowds at these facilities. I will post here and in the Lookey Loos, October 2011 thread later today.

Re: The last few auction the people
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 10:41:15 AM »
Definitely not dying down anytime soon around here...30 registered bidders (avg 30-40 past two months) and I'm guessing well over 60+ "other people"....had to be over 100 total for 12 units.

Re: The last few auction the people
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2011, 12:08:10 AM »
Yeah, 30-70 is the typical in DFW area.  However, I found one that wasn't advertised well in an outlying town that only had 8 bidders!  That's the least I've ever seen.  12 units split by 8 bidders.  But that's the exception, not the norm. :-/

Re: The last few auction the people
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 06:18:45 AM »
I must be semi-lucky in my area.  Most I've seen on a non-saturday auction has been about 20 bidders, so about 30 people in all.  I've just yet to hear of anyone finding some of the type stuff ya'll do.

This week should be interesting.  Have a caravan thursday, a auction friday (doubt can make), and two auctions Saturday.  One of the Saturday auctions is a 3 facility caravan.  So trying to figure out which one I want to hit.  The lower side of town with 20 units, or the nicer side caravan with 50 something units.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: The last few auction the people
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2011, 07:09:23 AM »
I must be semi-lucky in my area.  Most I've seen on a non-saturday auction has been about 20 bidders, so about 30 people in all.  I've just yet to hear of anyone finding some of the type stuff ya'll do.

Well, luck is where you find it. The really good lkrs are rare of course...we depend on the more ordinary stuff for the bread and butter.

Saturday, Oct 8, 2011

5 a.m. and getting ready for today's flea market and the reason we buy all those lkrs....aside from the fun of going through the stuff and trips to the dump !

Went to several auctions Thursday the 6th and crowd and prices were pretty good with just a couple of outrageous prices popping up. As I recall though, I only placed one bid and let the unit go to someone else.

Friday the 7th I went to three auctions by the same auctioneer and throughout the day the crowd ranged from about 25 to 40. This is an improvement on a few months ago but I still long for the pre-show crowds of 12 months ago. Coming up on one year in Dec since the tv shows started.

I placed a few high bids, starting one at $500 but quickly backing out as it then sold for $675. Just wasn't comfortable going on as the other bidder would have continued and it was marginal the way it was.

So, no luck on Friday, but....there are always more auctions !   ;D

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