Storage Auctions

WASTE OF TIME - read before censored

WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« on: October 30, 2013, 08:07:28 AM »
How do the users trust the information on a site that deletes factual information you admin does not like. Serious question? Why spend time on a forum when you dont know if you are actually involved with information that may increase you knowledge of the subject forum?

It seems to me frustration would set in when involved with leadership who deletes every post or link that builds creditability of a statement. Isn't that the purpose of a forum? In this case this Forum is just a SEO tool where Travis tries to lift his URL. It is not a "open" community based on the censorship I have received. Travis invites people to this forum (me) then deletes truth and fact.

Use this site as entertainment.

Since it is entertainment why dont we have a little fun:

Over/under - when will VSA have over 1,000 auctions/mo (individual storage units that have been through a legal lien process) 1-6 months, 7-12 months, 13-24 months, never?

Over/under - when will ST (who does not even have a live auction site) have over 2,000 auctions/mo (individual storage units that have been through a legal lien process) 1-3 months, 4-6 months, sooner?

BTW, bidders I dont expect many of you to use online auctions. If you dont like the concept please dont use the systems. However if you choose to use any system we bring to the market we will make it entirely transparent for fairness. You can make choices, but I will do everything to eliminite your decision influenced by trust issues.

I choose to not trust those who hide information, as a posed to open information.

Place your bets....

Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2013, 08:56:12 AM »
Your an idiot.
Way come to a site and post crap like that?
May a thousand donkies kick you in the A$$.
No special cupcake for you.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2013, 09:28:23 AM »
Your an idiot.
Way come to a site and post crap like that?
May a thousand donkies kick you in the A$$.
No special cupcake for you.

Well, I'm pretty sure he's not an idiot, but it WAS a bad idea to make that post. I think he's frustrated by the fact that Travis deletes some content....of course it's content that doesn't promote Tavis' views and it's content that might promote Lance's content at HIS website.

It's a two-edged sword here that's for sure. When you come right down to it Travis does have the right to take out posts that denigrate this website, but on the other hand doing that says something about the publics' at large right to express ideas.  I've always been of the opinion that people should be allowed to select what they read and where they read it.

Almost three years ago I elected to go with this website...that was when Drew owned it and Travis was an upstart selling his listing service. At that time he plugged in right in the middle of text on any number of subjects until Drew told him (and all of us) that it was OK in the signature area, but nowhere else. That pretty much holds true now as well, though occasionally there are exceptions.

I am actually a member at Storage Treasures, but if I have posted there it has been less than a handful in years. I continue to "support" Storage Auction Forums for both reading and posting simply because I have a history here and have been PART of the history here as well. Despite differences with Travis and Alloro I will continue to both read and post here because as Travis has said (paraphrasing) is the best option at this time... for news and views about the business and its many aspects.

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 10:21:05 AM »
How do the users trust the information on a site that deletes factual information you admin does not like.

What makes you think he deleted it and what makes you think it was deleted just because it wasn't liked?

Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2013, 10:31:32 AM »
Well, I'm pretty sure he's not an idiot, but it WAS a bad idea to make that post. I think he's frustrated by the fact that Travis deletes some content....of course it's content that doesn't promote Tavis' views and it's content that might promote Lance's content at HIS website.

correct, frustrated, but honest.

censorship, personal threats, misleading his users - yes frustrated.

I will let the performance of the websites settle the "sword fight" and the acceptance of the industry.

Travis has it all figured out, his information is accurate and on point. I suggest placing your bets on VSA.

I will go back to my hole and continue to loose ground to Travis.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2013, 10:41:31 AM »
correct, frustrated, but honest.

censorship, personal threats, misleading his users - yes frustrated.

I will let the performance of the websites settle the "sword fight" and the acceptance of the industry.

Travis has it all figured out, his information is accurate and on point. I suggest placing your bets on VSA.

I will go back to my hole and continue to loose ground to Travis.

I'd be careful when stating something like the sentence in red above; some of the readers here won't catch the sarcasm and will take it at face value. No, really.  ;D

Honesty is great and I'm a big advocate of telling it like it is. Unfortunately, the dynamics of the marketplace and the personalities of the two people involved here make this a difficult situation.

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2013, 11:58:59 AM »
To answer a few of your questions.....

I'm here because its just a bunch of us talking.  With he exception of Travis, no one has an agenda.  Swap'n ideas and story's and finds.....

I don't use ST because:

1) your blog entries are usually useless.   They don't give any information.  They are opinion pieces.  I understand.  Hard topics when laws vary from city to city, state to state.   I do enjoy reading them.  They are amusingly written, in a good way.   I just pop'd over and red the stolen prop and gun ones.  Didnt answer the question you proposed.  I didnt finish and know the answer.   Your fault?  Absolutely not.  How could you possibly answer those questions nation wide?    But it was a waste for me to read, info was wrong for my state....

Here?  We have discussion on those topics and get feedback.  Correct answers?  It's the Internet, who knows?  But get you thinking and researching to add content.

2) ST has no auctions in my area of hundreds of facilities and a population of many million.
The dates you have next to the facilities I'm attending this week are wrong.

Again, I totally don't blame you.   Facilities here change dates constantly. No way your keeping up uless facility has ability  (and does) update your site themselves [I want compensation for this idea :)]
Ex: called place two weeks ago, Are you still holding auction today? 
No, it moved to next Monday. 
(Monday) auction today?
Nope, moved to Friday
(Friday) auction?
No, you missed it.  We had yesterday.

Pretty much the only way you would of known it was going on is if you had gone to the auctioneers other auctions......

Last two thoughts:
I won't use online auctions until people learn to use a camera and something towards capturing your subject matter.   Four blurry pictures and one from ten feet away with shadow across door just doesn't cut it.  Bidding is risky enough.

I have no problem with you or ST.  But the unprofessionalism of your comments I have a problem with.  I don't do business with people that talks down about competitors.  I've addressed this to Travis in the past also.  He has apologized and removed his comments.  I think removing your rants is not a bad thing.  Its to your benefit that he removes them, IMHO

Okay, just went back to read over this to see if my rambling made sense....not really but also noticed it sounded like I was smashing your site.  Not my intention.   Meant to be like constructive criticism.

 Just say'n.

Also, sorry for typo's and dang was a rant, typed fast on ipad.  To lazy to go fix.  Deal with it.   :)

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2013, 02:36:32 PM »
It seems to me frustration would set in when involved with leadership who deletes every post or link that builds creditability of a statement. Isn't that the purpose of a forum? In this case this Forum is just a SEO tool where Travis tries to lift his URL. It is not a "open" community based on the censorship I have received. Travis invites people to this forum (me) then deletes truth and fact.

The only posts of yours or your wife's that have been deleted were ones that were harassing or spammy in nature. I can take criticism but you and you wife crossed the line.

Over/under - when will VSA have over 1,000 auctions/mo (individual storage units that have been through a legal lien process) 1-6 months, 7-12 months, 13-24 months, never?

Honestly, I can't tell you when. When I created VSA, I knew it would take years before it surpassed our competitors. I don't see where you get this 1000 auctions from. Even Storage Battles only has 150 +/- units per month.

Over/under - when will ST (who does not even have a live auction site) have over 2,000 auctions/mo (individual storage units that have been through a legal lien process) 1-3 months, 4-6 months, sooner?

You're a fool if you enter the online storage auction niche. You'll be competing against a site that has a three year head start and a site that offers the service for free. There is no money in it for you.

I choose to not trust those who hide information, as a posed to open information.

I choose to not trust people who create websites and and try to educate storage unit buyers when they themselves have never even bought 1 storage unit at auction.

Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2013, 05:09:51 PM »
I still think he is an Idiot.... :-*

Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2013, 06:59:24 PM »
I come to this forum to find and share information with others that do the same thing I do.
I have used online auction sites in the past a couple of times and have had a good experience. There is only one facility in my area that conduct their auctions this way and they are very through in the information they give.
I have never had a post deleted but I don't usually get involved with all this drama. Seems to me that is all that is going on here lately which is really a turn off. I don't blame Travis for deleting such drama because if new people to the forum are reading this it looks very childish and petty. Not the kind of information I started using this forum for.
Just my two cents.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2013, 07:20:17 PM »
I don't blame Travis for deleting such drama because if new people to the forum are reading this it looks very childish and petty. Not the kind of information I started using this forum for.
Just my two cents.

In all fairness, look at the original poster in a couple of the threads which have been controversial; it was Travis.

Had they not been started (and continued) much of what you are talking about would not have occured.

As to new members reading the bickering....many won't even see it. They look for the "treasure" here just as they do at the lockers....and at least here they will find some gems relating to the business and a high dose of reality regarding what the lockers are really like.

The fact that you have one online facility down the coast (midway between S.F. and L.A.) says a lot about the current state of online auctions. They MIGHT flourish in L.A. and maybe Dallas, but look at all the vast wasteland in between. Nope, they're a non-issue for the bulk of facilities that sell and the bulk of buyers as well, BUT that's just my opinion.  ;D

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2013, 10:12:28 PM »
I come to this forum to find and share information with others that do the same thing I do.

I have never had a post deleted but I don't usually get involved with all this drama. Seems to me that is all that is going on here lately which is really a turn off. I don't blame Travis for deleting such drama because if new people to the forum are reading this it looks very childish and petty.

I totally agree and I apologize for my part in this. It's just hard to ignore someone talking trash. The last thing I want is for the forum to take on a negative vibe. I come here to have a good time and share information about storage auctions, not bicker.

Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2013, 09:14:07 AM »
As a "veteran" and someone who can speak with some eloquence, I will say that this forum is the easiest to understand, most fruitful when it comes to ideas, strategies, etc. and therefore the best, in my opinion. I also subscribe to the Storage Treasures newsletter but I've stopped reading them because of the points listed by Alias. It's a perfect example of someone writing just to write. As a writer, I can tell that these blog entries are just written to keep a schedule. Certainly not to pass off any kind of real information.

I come here to find what is working in other parts of the country, get tips and tricks on selling, and share in our successes and failures. We are the most tight knit community in this genre of message board forums, which is a dying form of communication on the internet.

So Lance can come on here and talk as much trash as he wants, those of us with brains, that can actually put a sentence together and the commas in the right places can see through the BS. Lance is suffering because the veil is starting to lift, and the grooms are seeing just how ugly the bride is. His strategy, looking at it on the surface, seems to be to take out the competition at the knees. Not a very good plan of attack. Because the only way to make an ugly bride worse, is to make them a *****.

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Re: WASTE OF TIME - read before censored
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2013, 11:27:18 AM »
So Lance can come on here and talk as much trash as he wants, those of us with brains, that can actually put a sentence together and the commas in the right places can see through the BS. Lance is suffering because the veil is starting to lift, and the grooms are seeing just how ugly the bride is. His strategy, looking at it on the surface, seems to be to take out the competition at the knees. Not a very good plan of attack. Because the only way to make an ugly bride worse, is to make them a *****.


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