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Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots

Offline MovieMan

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Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« on: June 10, 2012, 10:15:16 PM »
I've been using a single Caravan (10 x10) and sometimes an extra EasyUp but have wanted a 2nd Caravan for
some time.

Got lucky today and picked up 3 (count 'em....3) 10 x 10 Aluma shades with rollaround bags, 4-piece side curtains, tie-down stakes....all three for $300. To me it was a deal as they seem hard to come by in my area...most flea guys end up with the Wal-Mart brands.

Anyway, these three are like new so I'm a happy camper.


Last two weekends have been windy and I have been using just old canvas bags holding 15 to 25 pound weights on each corner. Thinking of improving on this a bit and have read some on the internet about what people do, but thought I would inquire here too.  Stories or recommendations ?

Offline Alias300

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Re: Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 11:08:29 PM »
Guy at the farmers market carries old jugs (anti-freeze, milk...) and if wind kicks in he fills them with water and ties them off to tent. That way he doesn't have to carry weights around.....tho you need access to water.

Only canopies I've used have been camping so use spikes or permanent fixers so mounted in cement or 5gal buckets of sand.....

I'll take a look next weekend at what people are using at the flee down by the Sound. Gets pretty windy there.....

Offline bwd111

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Re: Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 02:35:30 PM »
Guy at the farmers market carries old jugs (anti-freeze, milk...) and if wind kicks in he fills them with water and ties them off to tent. That way he doesn't have to carry weights around.....tho you need access to water.

Only canopies I've used have been camping so use spikes or permanent fixers so mounted in cement or 5gal buckets of sand.....

I'll take a look next weekend at what people are using at the flee down by the Sound. Gets pretty windy there.....

I work in radio and have like 6 easy up tents to use. The best thing to use  is the sand bags easy-up makes! They even come with velcro staps and you can buy 4 for 20 bucks.

Re: Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 03:16:57 PM »
I don't use my awning often but I have a friend that uses 10 lb weights (like the ones from a weight bench). He puts a screw through the hole and attaches them to the tab on the bottom of the post. It works great and the weights are flat so they don't take up much room to store.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2012, 01:40:30 PM »
I don't use my awning often but I have a friend that uses 10 lb weights (like the ones from a weight bench). He puts a screw through the hole and attaches them to the tab on the bottom of the post. It works great and the weights are flat so they don't take up much room to store.
As long as it looks good that all that matters. When we sell we make sure everything looks great and dress good. Hate seeing people out in there harley shirts with a smoke hanging out of there mouth selling. Looks so unprofessional , but do like it cause buyers seem to come to our booth more and by pass the joe the rag bag look. Looking professional and have a professional set up is the key for getting your asking price .

Re: Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2012, 11:37:23 AM »
As long as it looks good that all that matters. When we sell we make sure everything looks great and dress good. Hate seeing people out in there harley shirts with a smoke hanging out of there mouth selling. Looks so unprofessional , but do like it cause buyers seem to come to our booth more and by pass the joe the rag bag look. Looking professional and have a professional set up is the key for getting your asking price .

at the dump i go to  looking professional works against you as the cheap bastards assume your going to be too expensive

and most people there use free weights and rope

Offline alloro

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Re: Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2012, 11:42:55 AM »
I hire 4 illegal immigrants at $10 each for the day and have each one hold a corner.

Re: Weighing Down Canopies on Windy Days at Paved Lots
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2012, 07:05:07 PM »
I have 4 water containers that I have to store water in the winter.  I have also used my marine/auto batteries that I use to show people things "work" when we are at locations with no electricity.  Problem is people always want to buy my batteries.

I'm thinking of using some 5 gallon buckets, concrete and some rods/nuts.  That way I can secure the canopy to the buckets and also raise the height.  At just under 6' some of my customers and myself have to duck to get under the canopy at times.

Do you go to garage sales even if the weather is bad (windy, rainy, etc)?

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