Thanks for the feedback you are helping me in more ways than one! Tell me more about this research you speak of In 2009 there were maybe a Google search page of information about storage auctions. I am preparing some lawsuits for folks who have ripped me off, before I did the blog, created the videos there was very little information on the web about this business, very little. Define teaser, I have several people who bought the books send unsolicited- Thank You! for the information it is making me money emails. As for not delivering, did you really try, I have waaaaaaaaay too many people happy with the results they gained from buying my books, for what you say to be true! Not to mention I have sold thousands of books and only a handful of reviews like yours ( 3 or 6) , that speaks volumes!!!
Hey Glendon,
Ease up a little bit, I'm a paying customer! LOL! Admittedly a lot has changed since the 2009 edition of your EBook, even you say the 2011 edition has a lot more information (did you say 75% more?).
Two major concerns when I made that post.
1. I was looking for in depth information on how to run a re-sale store, it wasn't in there. I am conditioned to reading University level textbooks and professional journals. I think you would agree your book is not written at this level nor attempted to be, I understand you wrote a book that is fairly easy to comprehend by just about anyone who buys the book.
2. I was afraid this would be your only contribution. I was excited about your experience in the business and really wanted to "sink my teeth" into your knowledge. I expected a lot more from the book. I thought it might be possible this would be the only information you were going to share and disappear into the night with all your money. lol.
I now know your are continuing to refine your publishing business and the information you sell. (Damn Capitalist!

I am a member of your resellers Master Mind group, and I find the group and the information to be very helpful in running the business.
I am also looking forward to your Boot Camp Webinar happening today!