Well found out the boxes were empty! I talked with the manger and he told me the guy was so mad and was throwing the boxes in the hallway screaming and swearing. Thinking the unit was staged! Again bid on what you can see. I almost just said the hell with it and was going to pay 2400.00 I guess its true if something looks to good to be true it most likely is.
Everybody in this biz needs to take a step back and look at this situation and the one Rockin mentioned in another post. The popularity of the TV shows and all the money getting thrown around is making this industry ripe for manipulation at the least and possibly fraud.
I will say it again. There is NO contractual guarantee as to the condition, quality, or type of contents in a storage unit unless you get an itemized inventory in writing from the facility, and that dosen't happen!
When you see a 10 x 20 with a table saw, mountain bike, & lawnmower up front, and the rest boxes; there is NO guarantee implied or otherwise, that the boxes are full & filled with tools or other nice stuff. They could be empty or filled with household garbage. That's the risk! Bid accordingly!
I am reminded of a unit a friend won several years ago. 10 x 20, front row filled to the top and each side with nice packing boxes, couldn't see a thing behind the front row. He won it for $600. The boxes, filled with paper. Behind the front row, the unit was filled with used, wore out tires! Of course he complained to the management, but they said they had no idea what was in the unit. How are you going to prove otherwise? Long story short, he just left the tires and never went back to that facility.