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Storage Auctions

What has been the coolest/most amazing thing you've seen at a storage auction?

Offline Travis

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What has been the coolest/most amazing thing you've seen at a storage auction?

a guy bought a unit with plastic tubs for a couple bills. looked like a standard mystery room.

he went to pick the first tub up, standard size we all see, and couldn't move it.  Every tub was filled with silver dollars.  It looked like scrooge mcducks money vault.

last thing I saw was $55k in cash that someone found.

Offline Travis

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last thing I saw was $55k in cash that someone found.

I'm sure he paid taxes on it too.  ;)

Offline alloro

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What has been the coolest/most amazing thing you've seen at a storage auction?

One time it started raining and the auction turned into one amazing wet t-shirt contest.  Then that became :s_cool:

Offline Travis

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One time it started raining and the auction turned into one amazing wet t-shirt contest.  Then that became :s_cool:

What fraternity are you in again?   :singing:

One time it started raining and the auction turned into one amazing wet t-shirt contest.  Then that became :s_cool:

I've yet to see anyone at a storage auction that I would want to see in a wet T-shirt, but hey to each his own. :72:

Offline alloro

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I've yet to see anyone at a storage auction that I would want to see in a wet T-shirt, but hey to each his own.

They grow 'em real fine over here. :)

Offline Cobia

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One day we were all standing around between doors going up at an auction and this guy pulled up in a Bentley. He opened the door about two doors down from the one that was getting ready to be auctioned. He went inside the unit, we heard a engine start, and he pulls out in a Ferrari. He pulls the Ferrari to the side of the building, jumps in the Bentley, pulls it into the unit, gets out closes the door, nods to the crowd and back in the Ferrari and out the gate!

It took everyone about ten minutes to pick their jaws off the ground including the auctioneer! To top it off, this facility was in a BAAADDDD part of town! I think they refer to it as "The Hood".  :67:

What's even more ironic is every unit at that facility up for auction that day (and typically ever since) was pure garbage!  :'(

Offline Travis

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Perhaps he just stole the Bentley and needed to hide it and was on his way to the chop shop to drop off the Ferrari. 

What's the funniest thing you've ever seen someone do at an auction?

Started by Travis

6 Replies
Last post May 28, 2014, 08:30:09 AM
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What is the one thing your hoping to score at auction that you haven't yet?

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Last post July 16, 2011, 12:50:30 AM
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Is this an amazing breakthrough or what!

Started by alloro

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Last post April 01, 2013, 10:01:04 PM
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If you could change one thing about storage auctions, it would be.....

Started by Travis

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Last post June 23, 2013, 09:12:57 PM
by HomeGrownPromos

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