Storage Auctions

Where did all the new people go that

Offline bwd111

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Where did all the new people go that
« on: August 01, 2013, 03:33:26 PM »
started watch storage dram on tv? They would watch the show and get an idea to come to auction and open a thrift stoe and become instant rich! Where are all these people that said Im going to do and make millions. I goto auctions and prices are great and not that many people show anymore even with the season of SW newyork. iM VERY UPSET THESE PEOPLE LIED TO THEMSELVES

Re: Where did all the new people go that
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 06:04:06 PM »
Many of them have moved south and come to auctions down here now.  We still have 3-4 new people show up each month.  They don't last too long.  Prices are better than they have been but still not super.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Where did all the new people go that
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2013, 06:17:56 PM »
Many of them have moved south and come to auctions down here now.  We still have 3-4 new people show up each month.  They don't last too long.  Prices are better than they have been but still not super.

I agree with that, not as many newbirds, but still a few each auction. Prices have come down some but still too high in my opinion. The dream of being re-sellers and thrift store owners has not gone away yet though. I see many a face that came out to storage auctions in last couple of years drifting around the local flea markets and auction houses. I think many who got burned in the storage auction craze are trying their hand at picking.

I don't know if it's the ole' "When your a hammer everything looks like a nail" bias; but it sure seems like there are a MUCHO GRANDE people trying to get in the re-sale game. Just in the grocery store today and the lady in front of me was bragging to the cashier about her Amazon business and what all she sells (oh, brother!  ::)

Her knowledge of the re-sale environment and Amazon in general seemed a bit limited, so I assumed she was a "newbie". Based on the story it kind of sounded like she "lucked up" on something at a yard sale, so now she goes around yard sales looking for this type of item and that's her business.

I know there are a lot of people who do just that but the pros don't tell everybody what their "ace in the hole" item is!  :-[

Re: Where did all the new people go that
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2013, 12:03:56 AM »
Was at an auction last week talking to the manager. I have been trying to get in good with her because they have some of the best units around. Anyway two newbies bought 10 X 30 units at the last auction. One couple worked for 3 days and cleaned out only half of the unit. The other couple worked for 5 days and only got a third out. The units were stuffed and those of us that are regulars knew that we either couldn't or didn't want to handle this much stuff. She banned them both from her auction. One couple had the nerve to show up and she kicked them out. I did buy a unit this time and she let me pick both of the units from the last auction. I got some good stuff out of each unit. This is a chain facility and the same owner has 8 facilities so they are banned from all of them. Don't piss off a manager if you want to make this a business.

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