Storage Auctions

where do you store your products??

Offline ChefJ

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where do you store your products??
« on: August 20, 2011, 11:39:30 AM »
Picked up a couple of units the last couple of weeks and I am having a hard time storing the goods.  I have a 7.5x10 food locker of my own, but that was nearly filled up with the first unit I purchased down here. 
My wife isn't going to let me use the house, outside of snapping pictures.  The garage has my car in it. 

Anyone have issues like this??  If so what did you do to render them, additional storage lockers?  a warehouse space maybe?

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2011, 02:50:02 PM »
Picked up a couple of units the last couple of weeks and I am having a hard time storing the goods.  I have a 7.5x10 food locker of my own, but that was nearly filled up with the first unit I purchased down here. 
My wife isn't going to let me use the house, outside of snapping pictures.  The garage has my car in it. 

Anyone have issues like this??  If so what did you do to render them, additional storage lockers?  a warehouse space maybe?

It all depends on how much merchandise you acquire and how fast you are able to turn your inventory into cold hard cash. Have to look at what ever may be cheaper/cost effective for you.

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2011, 02:54:23 PM »
I keep big stuff like furniture in a unit. And the smaller stuff in boxes in the crib. Mainly the stuff im attempting to get rid of i keep the closest.

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2011, 06:59:27 PM »
I actually just use flea market as storage.  With the selling of the items, it doesn't cost a thing.  If you sell furniture/big pieces flea markets will sometimes give a two or three for the price of one deal.  That way my inventory on everything keeps moving.

Offline Cobia

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Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2011, 07:11:57 PM »
Picked up a couple of units the last couple of weeks and I am having a hard time storing the goods.  I have a 7.5x10 food locker of my own, but that was nearly filled up with the first unit I purchased down here. 
My wife isn't going to let me use the house, outside of snapping pictures.  The garage has my car in it. 

Anyone have issues like this??  If so what did you do to render them, additional storage lockers?  a warehouse space maybe?

I might not be as good a seller as others on this forum, so in my case I collect merchandise pretty quickly. Even if I have a really good weekend selling at the flea market it seems like I am taking back home as much as I brought. This really puzzles me sometimes because I have couple hundred dollars in my pocket, selling stuff for less than $5, most stuff $1 and I still have a full load to take back home? huh? Anyway, I digress. In my case the more inventory I have the more I am going to sell. So if you want a bigger operation, then yes you will need more storage space. As long as you have the time and manpower to handle it.

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2011, 08:17:23 PM »
Have not used my garage for my car for over a year and a half.Even with turnover of at least 75% within a month.

Offline bwd111

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Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2011, 09:27:16 AM »
Well this is to be a bussiness and like most bussiness people have room for inventory. I know it looks easy to buy but to store inventory is just as important. Even the tv shows show people don't show the buyers selling from there home maybe most people missed that. Isn't the reason most people have yards sales is because they have too much stuff crowding them. Maybe they should do a show called Auction selling from your home and make big$$$$.Think I saw a poster on a telephone pole going to work today that said that. Its was written in big black ink from a sharpie right under make 5,000 a month selling something. The point of the story is have a plan from start to finish before getting into the bussiness. I know most people only look at buying and really have zero clue on selling and only rely on what they see on tv or think ebay or CL is the answer. Remember anyone can spend money its making the money that sets you apart from the pack.

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 10:30:41 AM »
Forgot to mention that I use indoor flea maekets so that way I can just keep everything there and don't have to pack up.  Mine has an antique mall in there that will also let you sell your furniture in there 7 days a week without you having to be there.(They take a small percentage)  So it's pretty gravy. 

Flea market isn't much money but it's great at rotating my inventory and letting me store my stuff for some profit.

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2011, 10:47:40 AM »
Well lucky for me the property that I purchased (at auction) has 2 large shed/barn type buildings divided into 2s.  So I have 4 sheds so to speak plus and over-hang to store stuff.  I'm mostly looking for smalls and not large furniture currently.  I'm doing this as I'm still getting organized and moving stuff around.

Easiest thing for you may be to find a rental special going on for like 3 months for the price of 1 or $1 move-in specials.  That way you have another 20+ days to get stuff sold.  Also, if you have some stuff your just not sure will sell or hasn't sold do the give-away thing to get a tax credit if you need that.

Good luck to ya.

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2011, 12:35:06 PM »
Forgot to mention that I use indoor flea maekets so that way I can just keep everything there and don't have to pack up.  Mine has an antique mall in there that will also let you sell your furniture in there 7 days a week without you having to be there.(They take a small percentage)  So it's pretty gravy. 

Flea market isn't much money but it's great at rotating my inventory and letting me store my stuff for some profit.
Wat is it like a indoor swapmeet with long term rental?

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2011, 05:46:23 PM »
Sort of I guess.  You pay weekly, at 65 a week.(Pretty steep by flea standards)  But hell I market great furniture that I know will sell quick there.  I don't really make much profit, but it let's me clear my mind and focus on the better items I get from auctions. 

The antique part where they sell your furniture is the real deal though, as it's only 120 a month.  Only time I have to show up is to collect money and swap in new furniture/china sets etc.

Re: where do you store your products??
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2011, 06:59:07 PM »

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