Storage Auctions

Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>

Offline Alias300

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Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« on: February 08, 2014, 11:30:41 AM »
I'd like to hear from some new people.  Either registered members that haven't posted or those of you that lurk but haven't registered (registration takes like a minute) but anyone is welcome.....

What I'd like to know is what is attracting you to storage auctions?

Over the years, on-n-off, I've done it for a bit of extra income. But I have specific types of units I go for.  What does this mean?  I never loose money.....or not much.  I also means I win very few auctions.  All said, time vs. money....I'd be better off with a part time job. 
So now I other methods of finding items to sell.  I've found I can make just as much, spending 10% of the time and 1% of the work.

So why do I still attend auctions when I have time?   Excitement. The gamble. In picking I'll never come across gold in the middle of trash. Or if I do I still have to negotiate price. Dumpster diving is messy. Auctions? It's like buying a scratch ticket..... But I know I'll get at least some of my money back.

With all the shows now proven to be, I don't want to say fake, let's say "well edited"; any google search telling the horror stories and amount of work and not to do it.  With very few success stories here......

What is making you look at storage auctions and think "I can make a lot of money in that!"?    (Not saying you can't, just looking for what draws you)

Or do you have other reasons?   Looking for antiques? You enjoy selling at flea markets but need items to sell? Is it about the money or something else?

Re: Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 05:41:07 PM »
Travis promised there would be a buffet  :)

Offline alloro

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Re: Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2014, 06:28:49 PM »
I am here for the gift cards. :D

Re: Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2014, 06:31:01 PM »
   I guess you can call me a lurker here. I've been registered for over a year and a half, and only two posts so far! I own a resale store. I use to have a childrens resale store 13 years ago, only for 4 years, when restaurant management duties called louder.( I still work as a business consultant to the #1 franchise in the world)
I love buying and reselling! I have been going to auctions for about 3 years now. I also go to yard sales, thrift stores and where ever I can get product. ( I even score alot in a Big Lots dumpster!)
   I come to this site to get ideas and see what others in the same boat are doing. I should participate more in discussions,but I generally find myself entertained by everyone else!
    My brother in law and I started the store as partners, but he bailed on it in September. We had "creative differences"
My daughter works here during the day now while I work my other job. I am lucky because I make my own schedule and go to 35 different restaurants a month so I can hit the occasional auction along the way. I havent got much lately, the units have been awful looking, or if they do look good, everyone and their mother wants it. I seem to get the little clean ones others may not want. They don't cost much, but the profits aren't big either.
     Before I opened the store I was having yard sales at my house. I did well, $8,000 in 8 yard sales. I didnt have any last year because of my partnership with my brother in law...I did all the work and he got 50% of the profits. This year I am going to have a few, try to move the stuff that has been in the store for a while.
  Well, thats my story and why I am here. I really enjoy this forum and I will try participating more!

Re: Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2014, 08:45:17 PM »
Travis promised there would be a buffet  :)


Re: Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2014, 10:08:14 PM »
I'm here for the buffet.....
I'm here to learn.
I'm here to be entertained.
I'm an addict and this helps me out.
I'm unable to figure out what to do with all the stuff and this site help me thru it.

Offline alloro

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Re: Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2014, 09:59:18 AM »
I guess you can call me a lurker here. I've been registered for over a year and a half, and only two posts so far!

Better late than never. :)

Offline Travis

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Re: Why are you here? <anyone! but aimed at newbies>
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2014, 03:43:37 PM »
I come to this site to get ideas and see what others in the same boat are doing. I should participate more in discussions,but I generally find myself entertained by everyone else!

We're glad that you decided to join in...the more the merrier!  ;D

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