I have been buy storage units for the past 9 years! Why can't people just be honest and say they would have never done until they say the tv show. They saw the show and looked at the person next to them and said hey this is a great idea. Whats funny is the ideas they are comming up with to sell there stuff while at the auctions. Common sense says have that plan in motion before you buy. Even the people on the scripted shows knows that. They should do a storage bors show on that. And why please tell me why bidding is so high!! Is it to become a winner while there life is loser?? But really why bid so high. Is it the idea to make money and that is why you are at the auction.
Lets face it, this is the 21st. Century version of the Califronia/Alaska gold rush, mostly because of the TV shows but the state of the economy is also having a huge impact. I think 80% of the people who are getting into this have not developed a legitimate business plan about turning storage auctions into a productive business. Yea, I here a lot of people talking about making it a business, but I think most people are thinking they can throw down $500 on a unit; then sell $1500 worth of jewelry & collectibles on Ebay, another $500 on furniture to friends, family, or thirift stores; and just give away all the yard sale and flea market junk because they have already made sooo much money on everything else they don't have to deal with that.
You and I and others on this forum know it does'nt work like that. More than 80% of the faces you see at auction will be gone in 6 months, and the few who remain, most of them will decide to be part time hobbiest just because of the capital and time and labor involved in turning this into a full time profitable business.
Thats my opinion anyway.