Storage Auctions

Your Thoughts: Free for all or is there etiquete / unspoken rules amonst us?

Offline rulesforrebels

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Just wondering what your guys thought on if there's any unspoken rules or etiquete amonst us at auctions?

Prior to the crowds me and a few other regulars I'm friendly with would basically have an unspoken rotation adn take turns buying units. Units would go for $20-$35. If a prime unit came up with a closed business in in, cars, etc it was every man for himself but for run of the mill units we kinda took turns.

Another thing is if there's not a whole lot of units on a particular day once you win one or two you should step aside. Aside from being kind of an unspoken thing I think it's self preservation as well.

Like they say hogs get slaughtered, you start hogging units and everyone is gonna run up prices on  you.

Offline MovieMan

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After months or years in a given area the courtesies between experienced buyers start to sort themselves out, but there are always variables and people change too.

Consider this story. Really happened.

Buyer A gives buyer B a ride to an auction because buyer B's car was out of commission. Ride to an auction 30 miles away.

Buyer A bids on a lkr. Buyer B bids against him and wins the auction. Buyer B says to buyer A..."You should have brought more money."

Offline rulesforrebels

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After months or years in a given area the courtesies between experienced buyers start to sort themselves out, but there are always variables and people change too.

Consider this story. Really happened.

Buyer A gives buyer B a ride to an auction because buyer B's car was out of commission. Ride to an auction 30 miles away.

Buyer A bids on a lkr. Buyer B bids against him and wins the auction. Buyer B says to buyer A..."You should have brought more money."

Does buyer A say to B " you should have rented a car" and leave him at the

Offline MovieMan

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He should have...don't know what happened after that, except for the fact that at auctions from then on Buyer B paid for a few lockers as I took him to the top of the roller-coaster hill before he fell off the top with the winning bid. What goes around comes around in one form or the other.

Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?

Started by Travis

8 Replies
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Have you been effected by eBay's new rules for free listings?

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Rules For Posting In This Section

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Strange rules at storage auctions

Started by Travis

4 Replies
Last post August 11, 2014, 05:59:29 PM
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