Storage Auctions

Here I am..brand new in Southeast Texas

Here I am..brand new in Southeast Texas
« on: April 19, 2011, 02:45:36 PM »

My name's Paul.  I've been perusing the site for a week or so now and I felt I should introduce myself and stop being a creeper.  I began wanting to go to storage auctions about 25 years ago, when I was in my early twenties and very very broke.  So I had to let that dream is often the destiny of dreams....(is that too sad?...cause I may be exaggerating just a bit). now I've been to two storage auctions in my town and can't wait to actually find one I can convince myself to buy.  This is ground floor stuff in the beginning lines of my autobiography that I'm sure I will one day write.  I currently am limited by the fact that I live in an apartment and the only vehicle I own is a Toyota Yaris...makes me laugh just typing it out.  I've been buying and selling garage sale stuff on ebay beginning in January (anyone smell a new years resolution?) and will continue doing that and hopefully find just the right compact unit or two along the way until I can afford an old raggedy truck and a storage unit of my own....and out !  I love digging through boxes and bags of "trash" (not garbage) and I know that treasures can always be just another bag/box away.  Well, so can infected needles and rat feces but hopefully more of the treasure-type materials.  Okay, that's me...or at least a bit of me which is probably plenty for now.  I like the site and am glad that I found it.

Offline Drew

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Re: Here I am..brand new in Southeast Texas
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 07:39:52 PM »
Hey welcome to the forums! Glad you found the site!

Re: Here I am..brand new in Southeast Texas
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 05:46:53 AM »
You're a funny guy, Paul! Welcome.

Let me say, I'd read your autobiography. Your writing style is very amusing :)

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