Storage Auctions

Hi! New to this site and Storage Auctions

Hi! New to this site and Storage Auctions
« on: February 19, 2013, 12:33:37 AM »
Hi everyone. I am new to storage auctions and i am interested in doing this as a job. I have been to 1 auction so far that had 3 units for sale but i did not bid because i just wanted to see want it was like. I am going to some more auctions by the end of this month. I found out the people at the auction where very nice they came up and talked to me and no fights or yelling lol. I have 3 questions if any of you could answer would be nice.

1. Where do you sell most of your stuff found in lockers? Pawn shops,Craigslist,Ebay or Flea markets
2. What are the best lockers to buy? Inside,Outside,City,County,Big units,small units
3. Do you have to pay taxes on the lockers?

Thanks Chris

Offline Travis

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Re: Hi! New to this site and Storage Auctions
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 06:59:25 AM »
Hi everyone. I am new to storage auctions and i am interested in doing this as a job. I have been to 1 auction so far that had 3 units for sale but i did not bid because i just wanted to see want it was like. I am going to some more auctions by the end of this month. I found out the people at the auction where very nice they came up and talked to me and no fights or yelling lol. That only happens on TV. I have 3 questions if any of you could answer would be nice.

1. Where do you sell most of your stuff found in lockers? Pawn shops,(only as a last resort)
Craigslist,Ebay, Flea markets (yes, and garage sales)
2. What are the best lockers to buy? Inside,Outside,City,County,Big units,small units (Every storage unit is different, there is no way to tell what's going to be there)
3. Do you have to pay taxes on the lockers? (yes, unless you have a resale permit)
Thanks Chris

Welcome to the forum Chris.

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