Storage Auctions

Kinda new in Dallas....

Kinda new in Dallas....
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:00:58 PM »
Hi there,

I'm rekindling an interest in this business for various reasons.  When I was in high school (I won't say when that was, but I will say Reagan was president) my uncle did Storage Auctions, Picking, Etc and ran a little thrift store.  I would tag along to be his loader/unloader and loved it.   This is the same uncle who taught me how to play poker, so some of the man essentials he covered for me. 

Fast forward to now.  I have a career, make a decent living, and am married.  My wife loves her some reality TV of various flavors and inevitably we ended up seeing Storage Wars.  I immediately started grimacing when I saw their "estimates" on the values of things (one favorite.. "This is Travertine tile... this is around $100 a square foot!" and "user DVD player, that's a $30 bill every day!") and then it dawned on me...

This was how my wife (who has a degree in Medieval Historical studies) acts every time we watch bad documentaries on the History channel....  And how my friends who wrestled in college react when someone brings up the WWE.

Now my nostalgia is kicking in for the days of my youths and I'm debating becoming what , at least from reading these forums, isn't the most liked type of person.... the dreaded part timer.  Maybe buy an occasional unit and focus on things I can haul back to the garage, touch up and sell on CL/Ebay/Garage sales.

Re: Kinda new in Dallas....
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 10:21:04 AM »
I like my money  to much for that.  If anything I might be too conservative bidding.

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