Storage Auctions

New from Tampa Bay Florida area

New from Tampa Bay Florida area
« on: April 03, 2013, 12:12:23 AM »
Hey all,
    I'm new to the forums. Definitely not new to buying and reselling. The wife and I have been buying and reslling on eBay for a few years now. We decided about a year ago to spread out to storage auctions. We have made some money on the units, but nothing near our eBay sales from just picking and selling. I buy fix and resell cars she does the same with merchandise and furniture. I actually registered on the forums to let people know of a few places they should shy away from. I'll address those issues in other threads though. Thanks admins for creating a forum for people to gather and converge information!!

Brad @ Ferrier Treasures

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Re: New from Tampa Bay Florida area
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 10:36:46 AM »
Brad, welcome. I'm sure you'll be an asset to the forum. I tried flipping cars for a while but I soon realized that fixing up and reselling cars should be left to the mechanically savvy. Maybe I would have done better if I had focused on flipping newer cars. What kind of cars do you like to flip?

Hello from Tampa, Fl

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Greetings from another noobie - Tampa, FL

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