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Noob from California

Noob from California
« on: June 25, 2011, 04:04:37 PM »
Hey Everybody!

Just want to introduce myself. My name is Jr. from the Bay Area of California. Pretty new to this, as a matter of fact I haven't even won a locker yet! I have no delusions of making this a way of life, but rather a way of scoring some cool stuff and maybe even making a little cash.

You've got a great board here.

I went to a couple of auctions this past week, decided to just watch and take it all in before I bid on some junk. First locker was 10 x 20, packed to the top with looked like a whole household. Furniture, bbq, tool cases, musical instrument cases, boxes galore. This one went for $1650 I believe. A couple of others went for way more than I thought they would. The last was pretty funny, a small unit with just a press board desk( missing drawers) and a ripped recliner. The auctioneer offered to pay someone a dollar to take the stuff, lol.

Re: Noob from California
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2011, 06:15:02 PM »
Welcome to the Jr. forum.  There is a lot of great information and people to learn from on here.

I too am still new to storage auctions.  I have been doing a lot of reading, but have yet to buy my first locker.  I am working on selling collectibles I bought from a buddy of mine to put together my seed money for my first auction.

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Re: Noob from California
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2011, 11:33:50 PM »
welcome both of you.....  I too am new and be careful--- buying lockers is like gettin tattooed.  The more you get, the more you want!   lol You are doing exactly what I did.  I have gotten two lockers, one for 100 and the other for 10, 5x5 and 5x10 respectively.  the 5x5 had a lot of dress clothes and some electronics and watches and cool guy knick knacks.  almost made all my money back and should make a 50 percent profit.   the 5x10 has some furniture that can be restored and sold for 50.00., some nice clothes- at least 50-100 at a yard sale-- found 40.00 in stamps and 40 in giftcards (unused, duh) lots of funny prison letters, two gold chains and two gold watches and other cool stuff.  i should get about a 400-450 in profit. 
My next one i will be looking for a well packed, not unkempt locker with kids toys, furniture, lots of tupperware crates and NO CLOTHES! lol

Still havent found that HUGE wow factor.  I will this monday when I buy the locker i'm visualizing!

Good luck to  the both of you and try opening the yellow pages and calling ALL THE STORAGE FACILITIES FOR LISTINGS!


Re: Noob from California
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 08:00:03 PM »
Thanks guys for welcoming me to the forum!

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Re: Noob from California
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2011, 09:45:16 AM »
The last was pretty funny, a small unit with just a press board desk( missing drawers) and a ripped recliner. The auctioneer offered to pay someone a dollar to take the stuff, lol.

Sounds like a J. Michael's auction. When no one bids on a junker lkr here in CA he says. "Does anyone want it for a dollar? I'll pay the dollar."  A winning situation for him as the property manager gets the lkr cleaned out but the poor slub who paid the $1 that's a question mark.   OK, SURE there may be some sellable stuff in there, but MY PERSONAL OPINION is that all the buyers who passed on getting that for FREE probably made the best deal; remember, in addition to the new buyers who were at that auction who didn't want it, there were undoubtedly some veteran buyers who didn't want it for free either.

Each person would have to make this decision for him/her self while factoring in TIME, EFFORT, DUMP RUN, possible INCOME, etc.

Oh, and welcome to the forum !

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