I'm back!!!
I know it seems like forever but I'm still here waiting on a app for this site!

Would like to answer some of TechGromit's questions.
Yes we get paid to be on the show but trust me it really dosent compensate for the time we put in.
The little bit of extra cash is always welcome tho.
Honestly I hear all the time that people say the show is fake.
My answer to that is "I wish it was so I didn't have to dig through so much trash"
Your 100% right about them not showing the other rooms we buy at auction.
There have been some episodes where I have bought 6 rooms and they only aired me going through the best one.
People have to understand that by the time you take out the commercials it breaks down to a 22 minute show.
The conflict is definitely real! There was a few times where it actually got a lot more violent but was cut from the show.
In fact there was one instance where I slapped big Steve across the face and knocked his hat and glasses off and he didn't do a dam thing about it.
The only person I have ever gotten physical with both on and off the show is Steve. Even before we both were on the show we used to go at it all the time.
Other than that in NY it's pretty well behaved except for the constant trash talking we all do to each other.
The producers don't encourage it at all. When we film they want us just being who we are and if something does happen they just keep filming.
They never want anything getting physical but I'm a New Yorker and I really don't give a sh*t what they say. When a 6 foot 8 350lb animal puts his hands on me it's GO TIME!!
As of now we do not know where our show stands as far as a third season is concerned.
Keep the questions coming! I promise it won't be 3 months for me to respond.