Storage Auctions

Another question????

Another question????
« on: November 01, 2011, 08:53:17 PM »
I might have asked this in another topic. What if you find a motorcycle or vehicle of some kind. Can the origional owner get you for theft? I mean they hold the origional title right? How do you make it yours? I live in Houston. Not sure if the laws are different in other places.

What about guns. Can you just sell them without getting them registered? How does that work?

Re: Another question????
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 01:21:21 PM »
You would have to look in the laws in Texas.  For vehicles it is possible to get a salvaged title.  You have to first get the vehicle declared abandoned, etc.  This isn't Auction Hunters however, and the chances of you finding a car, etc. is very very slim.  Parts and pieces to a motorcycle or maybe even a non-running cycle are better odds.

Guns are the same thing.  For us in GA you don't have to register the firearm.  However, it would be very smart to have a police officer run the serial # to make sure the weapon isn't stolen before you sale it.  I know California has to go through a registered dealer for all sales.  Each state is different.

Unless you are real lucky in your first year you will not run into this issue.  I know people that have been buying lockers for 10+ years and can count on 1 hand the number of guns they have found.

Be more concern about other weapons like brass knuckles, chucks, etc., if those can be sold.  I've gotten a slapjack, pair of brass knuckles, a homemade pair of metal chucks, a set of wooden chucks, 2 thorwing stars, short sword, short spear, various pocket knives, etc.

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Re: Another question????
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 08:14:26 PM »
Actually it is not a salvaged title, its a bonded title. And what you will end up paying to get the title registered is 10% of the value of the vehicle, (you will have to take it to 3 different dealers, the tax office will always use the higher price, which is BS. Plus you will need to go get the title itself bonded which is usually only like $100. Depends on the value though. But most used cars will be $100 for the bond. After that you will have a bonded title for 3 years. Then you can get a free and clear title. Its a true pain in the ass to have to keep doing it over and over again. Just did this with a 99 Blazer.
A little note as well, after you get the bonded title you should be able to sell it with out a problem if you wish to do so, since the bonded title is transferable.

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