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appliance units

appliance units
« on: July 13, 2011, 05:26:56 PM »
What do you typically value the average appliances at ? Such as friidges,tvs,dishwashers,washing machines and dryers

Offline MovieMan

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Re: appliance units
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 05:42:50 PM »
What do you typically value the average appliances at ? Such as friidges,tvs,dishwashers,washing machines and dryers

Well, there's a lot of variety in each of the categories you indicated but I'll give it a shot based mostly on what I see others doing as I try not to get large items that are "white".

One fellow almost specializes in washers/dryers. Typically (depending on age and brand) he will get $300 to $400 for a set. Front loaders go for more.

A couple of years ago my washer went out and I bought one from a fellow flea seller. My cost $20 with a money back guarantee as he had not tested it. It's still working.

Some of the guys go nuts when they see an $800 to $1000 stainless steel frig in a lkr. They usually sell them in the $250 to $400 area.

Fridges with the doors closed in the lkr?  Mildew and mold almost guaranteed. Get out the elbow grease.

Note: when my fridge went out I gave it to a guy for scrap, but used a better one I got in a lkr for about a year before it went bad. At that time I traded it in to Sears on a new one with a STATE PROVIDED $300 rebate...brought the cost of my new fridge down to about $125 I think...couldn't complain.

All these prices will vary by state and within state I would guess.  This is just my experience.



Haven't gotten an lcd or plasma yet...not a big one anyway. I got a 15" lcd and sold it on eBay for I think it was $100..this was couple of years ago.

I see big projection type tvs selling for $50 to$100 depending on brand, age, etc. I bought an entire household full of goods (actually in the abandoned house) for $2,900 and kept the SONY big screen for myself. It's a projection type (but with quite good pic I think) and I see these go on Clist for around $200.

Since the tv system went digital a year or so ago, you can almost forget getting anything for the old black case tvs unless they are super clean and have an analog to digital converter sitting on top. I just take the old 25" tvs to recyling and get 6  cents a pound....100 pound TV....$6.00....take in 3 or 4 at a time it adds up.

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Re: appliance units
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2011, 06:58:41 AM »
Here is a strange rule of thumb. Low end or cheap older appliances sell faster than newer, expensive or high end appliances. As far as the older appliances are concerned, it has been my experience that any running refrigerator will bring $80-$100 in a matter of hours on craigslist. Any working washer or dryer, no matter how old will bring $150 within hours on craigslist. Any gas range will bring $50-$75 quickly. I haven't seen many dishwashers in storage units, perhaps it's because they typically stay with the house. I don't put much weight on televisions. If they are tubes, you might be able to sell a 35" tube television for $40-60. Big sceens $75-$250 depending on age and condition. Plasmas, LCDs & LED need to be valued independently; however, I would be cautious when bidding on units with televisions, they may not work or they might have a cracked panel. If you get a plasmas, LCD & LED with a cracked panel, you might as well sell the processors on Ebay because a new panel costs almost as much as a new TV.

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Re: appliance units
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2011, 08:44:17 AM »
" Any working washer or dryer, no matter how old will bring $150 within hours on craigslist."

I would have to drop it to $75 in my area to get it to move within hours on Craigslist. Same with average refrigerators. Just shows how prices vary by region.

Offline Bandit

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Re: appliance units
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2011, 09:46:40 AM »
         "  I just take the old 25" tvs to recyling and get 6  cents a pound....100 pound TV....$6.00....take in 3 or 4 at a time it adds up. "

   I wish I could get that much for a non working TV or Computer Monitor , most commercial recyclers will charge a minimum of $ 25 to drop any thing off , or only take bulk loads from companire , schools , towns etc.
  In My town it is $ 25 min. pre paid to the town for a pick up .
          The Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEP
regulations prohibit the disposal of computer
monitors and televisions in the rubbish, due to the
lead content in the cathode ray tubes.   
     The Town of Natick will collect and recycle
these items. Computers and televisions are
$25.00 each . and are collected as bulky waste. 
   In the used furniture store locker We won , there were 3 tv's , two we had to smash the  out of the console and pay $ 25 each to dump . ( I have a free source , but not in volume or right now  )
  As for My area for a quick sale Tv's $ 25.   washer and dryer $ 50 ea.  , those shopping on Craig's don't want to spend much for regular items .
  You see them advertised for a lot more , but the adds just keep getting renewed week after week  ::)

Offline MovieMan

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Re: appliance units
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 09:54:22 AM »
         "  I just take the old 25" tvs to recyling and get 6  cents a pound....100 pound TV....$6.00....take in 3 or 4 at a time it adds up. "

   I wish I could get that much for a non working TV or Computer Monitor , most commercial recyclers will charge a minimum of $ 25 to drop any thing off , or only take bulk loads from companire , schools , towns etc.
  In My town it is $ 25 min. pre paid to the town for a pick up .

Yes, it will vary between states and even within states. In California (in my area) all the lkr buyers bring their old TVs, monitors, etc to this place. I think the current limit is bringing in 3 TVs every four months, but they also pay for computer towers, motherboards, etc. Some stuff they will take and not pay for...printers, maybe other things. Not enough gold or other recycles in them I guess.

My only concern is that story about a lot of U.S. stuff ending up going to China and other countries where little kids are tearing this stuff apart and getting contaminated by lead, etc.

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