Storage Auctions
The Storage Locker => New to Storage Auctions? => Topic started by: Lunachick on September 25, 2011, 03:42:42 PM
So I have not yet attended a storage auction, but I found a lady who buys several units, looks for jewelry or expensive antiques and then dumps the rest. LONG story short, I bought a unit full of stuff for $50. Unfortunately it all turned out to be junk. My question though is about a huge rumbermaid container of blueprints. They appear to be plans for buildings and housing developments from a few years back. What should I do with these. Dump them (recycle of course)? Any value? Total noobie question!
What should I do with these. Dump them (recycle of course)? Any value? Total noobie question!
1) recyle paper products
2) No value
3) Yes, BEYOND total noobie question !
If the blueprints are for a historical building or even a cool or popular building may be worth a little something. If it's just blue prints to a house or plain old bank or something just dump them.
Soemtimes stuff that's seemingly worthless has some value. I found a bunch of railroad pictures, training manuals, track layout plans, etc and there's a ton of people into collecting railroad stuff so was able to turn that into some money
What to do with Blueprints from a " plain old bank " ??? ::)
Could that kind of paper even be recycled ?
Could that kind of paper even be recycled ?
Well, I haven't made a study of what paper products can be recycled, but in my town anything that is paper or paper related can be put in to the "recycle" yellow bin picked up each week at our homes. This bin also takes plastic with the triangular recycle symbol and recycle glass that has a "deposit" value. Aluminum soft drinks cans with a recycle value go in that bin also.
We have a "thriving" business in fellows who walk around "picking" the trash bins for plastic and glass with a California deposit value of 5 cents or so. In the days from the early 1900's through 70's or so the term for these guys was "rag picker", but now they have been elevevated to "recyclers".
Unfortunately, at least one in my neighborhood makes a mess by sorting through the bins the day before pickup, so I put mine out either at late night or even early morning (5 a.m.) before the pickup. At one point he was taking stuff out of the yellow recycle bin (like cardboard, etc) and out of the gray (regular trash bin) and putting it all in the GREEN bin for yard waste. He had a real system going, but of course it ruined the whole idea of getting our local trash organized for the fleet of specialized trucks who come through.
Putting My recycling /trash out at 5:00 Am wouldn't work for Me , as some jerk on a bike hits it around 5:30 / 6:00 Am pulling it apart looking for .05 cent cans and bottles . ( I never put any out as I buy mine in Nh. ( no deposit ) ( No Sales Tax ) ( Plus cheap State Run Liquor Stores ;D ) when We are attending locker sales there and cash them in here in Ma. @ $.05 ea. ;D )
Plus our trash bags are $1.75 ea , and very thin/see through so the " Recycling Committee " can drive around and make sure you don't have any recycling in your trash that they can refuse to pick up . ( I put mine into the heavy black bags from Home Chepo ) first LOL >:(
If the blueprints are for a historical building or even a cool or popular building may be worth a little something. If it's just blue prints to a house or plain old bank or something just dump them.
Soemtimes stuff that's seemingly worthless has some value. I found a bunch of railroad pictures, training manuals, track layout plans, etc and there's a ton of people into collecting railroad stuff so was able to turn that into some money