Storage Auctions

Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?

Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2011, 07:27:45 AM »
Jose, if you really want to see what your missing, email me and I'll send you a copy of our weekly list for free. Compare it with the source you are using and you will see that: 1. We average 10-15 additional auctions per week that were not advertised in the newspaper you are using. 2. Most of the auction buyers in our area use the source you are using the auctions it advertises are flooded with hundreds of buyers. The events we advertise typically have smaller crowds. 3. They list less than half of the phone numbers for the facilities. We list the phone number of every facility. 4. With their list, you can only print out 1 auction at a time. (On average there are 50-75 per week)  With our list, you can print the entire week's auctions in less than a minute. 5. If there are any unique or valuable items up for auction, our service lets you know.

But, I'm sure you've heard the old saying...."You get what you pay for"

Go ahead, give it a try...what do you have to lose?

Why are you pushing your product on him. The guy made a choice and you are still pushing it. Is business that bad? So now you have to do whatever it takes to sell a list? I don't like this action in the forum. Sell thru your own website and paid ads, not in a forum like this.

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2011, 10:55:41 AM »
In Houston it is different, U-Haul does have them every month but never on an exact date. Mailing or call lists are great. They work well in smaller to average size towns. With over 1400 storage facilities in Houston, it would be impractical for the average buyer to invest a month of their time to get on these lists. It would be practical to get on the lists of the facilities in their immediate area.

Not only that, call lists can be unreliable. Lists can be lost. Phone numbers, addresses and email addresses change.
Storage facilities also have a high turnover in management and the new management may not follow the same procedures or even know the list exists. Computers get viruses, hard drives go out, next thing you know the list is gone.

Although, we are on many facilities call list, we still call them routinely because of these issues.   

Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2011, 11:33:58 AM »
And the same can happen to your company. No one knows.
You might get a computer crash, you might get sick, you might not get the info from your suppliers, etc....

I have nothing against you running a business, go ahead more power to you, but the way you have been pushing/spamming it in here, is not a way i accept. It is pushy, almost to the point of not beeing serious. And i mean that you are doing it without the respect of others who have clearly told you not to. Also when you target one person who have told you NO, and you still keep on nagging him and pushy your product on him, that to me is not good business manor.

It makes you look desperate when you can' take no for a no.

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2011, 01:09:47 PM »
Why are you pushing your product on him. The guy made a choice and you are still pushing it. Is business that bad? So now you have to do whatever it takes to sell a list? I don't like this action in the forum. Sell thru your own website and paid ads, not in a forum like this.

Well, you're just a grumpy old man with nothing nice to say about anyone. All you ever do is criticize everything that goes against the grain . You always have to be right and you always have to get the last word.

Now, Jose is a big boy, he can make decisions for himself. Had you have not made some negative comments about us while he was still seeking information on the subject, he could have weighed his options and decided on the resource which worked best for him. Your biased comments actually led him away from something that he could have really benefited from.

By me offering him a free trial membership, I was trying to show him that by listening to you he made a mistake.

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2011, 01:40:57 PM »
Well, you're just a grumpy old man with nothing nice to say about anyone. All you ever do is criticize everything that goes against the grain . You always have to be right and you always have to get the last word.

Oh no, not another boxing ring !

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2011, 01:57:27 PM »
I have one The Hart Beat, and it is only because over 95% of the facilities here only advertise with them. Some seemed really irritated with my phone calls. However I think all that will change and I will dump The Hart Beat because of the Amendment of Chapter 59.

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2011, 02:02:04 PM »
I have one The Hart Beat, and it is only because over 95% of the facilities here only advertise with them. Some seemed really irritated with my phone calls. However I think all that will change and I will dump The Hart Beat because of the Amendment of Chapter 59.

Wow, they've got it sewed up at 95%.

Here's the link for people close to San Antonio.

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2011, 02:04:35 PM »
Wow, they've got it sewed up at 95%.

Here's the link for people close to San Antonio.

Ya unfortunatly, but I do love the ones that post in other places and not use The Hart Beat. Tend to be fewer people there.

Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2011, 02:37:09 PM »
Oh no, not another boxing ring !

I am taking bets!!  ;D

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2011, 02:42:14 PM »
I am taking bets!!  ;D

Just leave me out of it !

Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2011, 02:54:48 PM »

Now, Jose is a big boy, he can make decisions for himself. Had you have not made some negative comments about us while he was still seeking information on the subject, he could have weighed his options and decided on the resource which worked best for him. Your biased comments actually led him away from something that he could have really benefited from.

By me offering him a free trial membership, I was trying to show him that by listening to you he made a mistake.

I AM a big boy lol....the reason I don't chose to pay for a list is because I don't go to that many auctions. I probably go to maybe 2 - 4 a month. So at this particular time I am not interested in a list because I already know when the ones I am interested in going to are taking place. I only go to those close to my house or my job anything farther I won't go.

Another thing is that I don't just use the internet to get the auctions, I have also contacted some of the storage places directly and asked them. THere are about 20 storage places around my area and pretty much know when each one is having an auction.

Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2011, 03:58:06 PM »

Push your business in other places, this forum is not the right place to do so. Keep us other out of your business. I am not the only one who have told you this. (time after time) when you do not listen, well then expect to get the wrath. Keep your business out of forum, or pay drew and be a sponsor like everyone else. That way you can keep it in one area on the forum. Right now you are jumping around like a advertising bunny and spreading your spam all over  the forum.

One advice to you Tclown, keep doing business this way and you will be out of it before long. People don't like to have half ass good products showed down their throat all the time.

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2011, 04:40:55 PM »
Mr. A, are you on one of your tirades again? Who was trying to promote their business? Have you seen a link from me anywhere on this thread? I told him that I would give him a free copy of our list to compare to the source he is using. That message was directed to Jose, not you. He politely responded that he doesn't go to that many auctions and doesn't have a need for the service. I understand and respect that. How am I badgering him? How am I spamming the forum? How is it even your business?

I swear, you sound like my wife with all the nagging.

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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2011, 05:57:32 PM »
Gentlemen, Gentlemen.............can we at least act like Business men on this forum and respect one another. We would like to help Drew grow this forum not chase people away!


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Re: Do any of you use a storage auction listing service?
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2011, 07:00:36 PM »
whos gonna start the tc vs mr boxing ring

I'm guilty of spouting some spam from time to time myself so I dont have much room to talk but comming from a self proclaimed spammer this is the oldest trick in the book tc.

Ask a question about something not really caring about the answers but b/c it gives you the opportunity to spout on about your site and have it in the context of a question and not just straight up

I dont necessarily think there's anything wrong with plugging your site but try to make it as least spammy as possible.

I used to occasionally list some free auctions and link to my site. Sure its spam but at least I'm supplying some FREE info and upcomming auction info to some of the newcommers.

Tc maybe alittle spammy though it doesnt bother me but a back and forth trying to convince someone to sign up in a thread is kinda wierd.

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