Storage Auctions

Ever had a unit broken into before you could move the contents?

Offline Travis

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A few months ago, a unit I bought got broken into the night after the auction. Apparently, someone hit about 30 other units. Luckily, my unit was full of library books and it only cost me a pad lock.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Ever had a unit broken into before you could move the contents?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 07:33:31 AM »
A year ago (at the sealed bid auction) one of the guys had a locker broken into the first night after the auction.
It was the only one broken into and had some good "antique" items in it.

A small piano was stolen among other things. What makes this interesting is that the managers (now gone from there) had an online church and were looking to start a brick and mortar church...they had even mentioned this to the locker buyer about six months before this auction and break in took place.

Considering there are no security cameras there and the former mgrs interest in a piano...well, it's all circumstantial, but I'm thinking ...."amen, brother."

Re: Ever had a unit broken into before you could move the contents?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 07:49:09 AM »
Yeah, what I try to do is rummage thru the locker immediately after paying for it (if I'm not off to another one) and pull out anything interesting or that may have obvious value, jewelry, guns, coin, small antiques etc. Then when I lock it back, I have a super security lock tha takes a powered grider to cut thru and I double lock the unit if it has significant stuff left in it. At least that way any thieves need more than bolt cutters to get into the units.

Offline Travis

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Re: Ever had a unit broken into before you could move the contents?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 09:26:42 AM »
When you say a super security lock, do you mean a disk lock or a shrouded lock? The reason I ask is because I have yet to see a lock that is resistant to bolt cutters. I used a medium size set of bolt cutters to cut a disk lock in half. Of course I'm a pretty big guy and it wasn't easy, but it worked. The only locks that I have seen that take longer than a few minutes to open are the cylinder locks. You have to drill them in a certain direction.

Has anyone had a storage unit broken into?

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$$rate of unit vs contents

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What a dishonest move!

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