Storage Auctions

How have you changed your stategies in the aftermath of the reality shows?

Offline Travis

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Rules, I'm sure he appreciates that 1 auction you have posted for his area, but, what about the other 200 this month?

Back to the original question. No, we only focus on the Houston area. I feel that it is better to do one thing and do it well, rather than trying to focus on a larger area and delivering mediocre results.

Here is how you can find a majority of the publicly traded storage facility auctions in your area. Just search Google for "U-Haul Auctioneer San Antonio" "Public Storage Auctions San Antonio" Uncle Bobs Auctioneer San Antonio". Just these three searches should help you find over 150 auctions per month. Once you find the auctioneers that service these facilities, chances are they will have other auctions listed on their website.

I hope this is helpful.


Have Storage Auction Reality Shows Changed the Storage Industry?

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What an item is actually worth - reality vs the reality shows

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So, what storage auction reality shows are still on the air?

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How much longer do the storage auction reality shows have?

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