Storage Auctions

how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?

how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« on: June 30, 2015, 06:41:32 AM »
between my helper and I we cannot lift a washer, dryer, dish washer, fridge, etc.
But great units go for low prices because stuck right in the middle is one of these "anchors".
Is there any type of service I could search for and pay for to get these removed and disposed of?  I'd rather pay that smaller fee than loose my cleaning deposit on the unit.

Offline alloro

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Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2015, 10:19:06 AM »
Hook up with a local scrapper. Those are the guys that drive around looking for metals to recycle. When you win a unit with anything heavy in it you call him up to come and take it away. It's free money for him, no backache for you, and you get everything else in the unit.

Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2015, 09:27:30 PM »
great advice.
i went to CL and found some scrappers that are on the other side of a toll plaza/another state.  Can you suggest another place to look to find someone that is more local?  I turned over some rocks but all I found were more unit bidders! :91:

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Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2015, 11:58:43 PM »
i went to CL and found some scrappers that are on the other side of a toll plaza/another state.  Can you suggest another place to look

First don't assume they won't travel to you, contact them and ask. Second, try placing your own ad in Craigslist stating that you're looking for someone that wants scrap metal for free, etc., etc.. Then wait and see if anyone contacts you.

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Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2015, 12:40:08 PM »
The people who are successful in this business all have one thing in common: they find creative ways to extract as much money as they can from most everything in their inventory. They waste very little because their perception of trash is different than others. They see the value in things most of us see as insignificant. If you've ever started with nothing and worked your way up, you can relate. Those who keep this mentality, even when life is comfortable, are the ones who do well in this business and in life.

Listing items in the free section of Craigslist is a great way to get rid of things quickly, but before you give anything away, determine whether it has value. If the answer is yes, I recommend pricing the item slightly below the item's minimum value. For example, let's say you have a refrigerator from 1985 in fair condition. Any running refrigerator, regardless of age, will usually sell quickly at $80 on Craigslist. Just compare asking prices of similar appliances for sale on Craigslist, (if there isn't anything similar in your area, expand your search to the nearest major city,) then price yours 10-20% below the average, and your phone will ring off the hook. This way, you get rid of the unwanted item(s) and still put a little cash in your pocket.

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Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2015, 09:44:56 AM »
Any running refrigerator, regardless of age, will usually sell quickly at $80 on Craigslist. Just compare asking prices of similar appliances for sale on Craigslist, (if there isn't anything similar in your area, expand your search to the nearest major city,) then price yours 10-20% below the average, and your phone will ring off the hook. This way, you get rid of the unwanted item(s) and still put a little cash in your pocket.

That's all fine and dandy if it's sitting in your garage. But in his case it's sitting in the just won storage unit with him unable to move it and he probably only has 24 hours to clear it out.

Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2015, 10:06:05 AM »
a funny thing happened at the auction yesterday.
There is only one other regular bidder that is freindly torward me.  I remember him buying a unit with a ton of DVD's in it a few weeks before hand.  Yesterday I showed him a phone app that lets you sell DVD's through USPS for 50 cents a peice, and they take all DVD's.  He said "hey, thanks, but why don't you let me buy your DVD's off of you directly.  So, when he came to my warehouse to pick them up I asked him about the "boat anchor" solution.  He said "hey, I'll come pick those items up from your unit for you for free whenever you get stuck with them".

See I'm a noob to the storage auction game but my tech savvy helped me gain this scrapper contact.

also that photo of a ferret's idea to post a "looking for scrapper" ad on craigslist was a bonzer idea.  I might get $80 for a fridge as mentioned but i'd rather give it away and take the $400 worth of other merch in the unit home because the highest bid on that unit was $125 because non of the bidders wanted to move that fridge.

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Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2015, 12:14:56 PM »
Yesterday I showed him a phone app that lets you sell DVD's through USPS for 50 cents a peice, and they take all DVD's.

The USPS, as in the US Postal Service buys DVDs? Do tell...

Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2015, 03:24:05 PM »
just bring all your dvds to your local post office and demand money.

srsly though, I meant through the postal service, not to it.

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Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2015, 04:56:18 PM »
I dunno, 50-cents seems kind of weak for some DVDs. For example I entered the UPC for the Forrest Gump 2 DVD collectors edition and they came back with 51-cents. On eBay it's roughly going for $3-$10.

Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2015, 08:50:41 PM »
if i came across a forrest gump dvd i'd keep it for myself.  i like that site because they take ALL dvd's.  even the stinkers.

plus, the other bidder who will now buy all my dvds from me for 50 cents will also buy the ones that site would only have given me 10 cents for.

ebay isn't on my radar untill I get overwhelmed with stock.  my local neighbors seem to buy most of what I put out for sale.

Offline luke

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Re: how to remove the storage unit "boat anchor"?
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2015, 12:23:31 PM »
A friend of mine used that site to sell his DVD's too, he still hasn't get a check for the items he sent in.

I also typed in a few blu-rays - they are offering .10 cents for :/

You'll get more money selling them as a lot on ebay, just bundle it all together. Price it at $1 each , it will sell sooner or later.

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