Storage Auctions

Looking for tips in Oregon. Both eastern, and Portland area

Looking for tips in Oregon. Both eastern, and Portland area
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:43:26 PM »
Ok, for starters does anybody know anything about the auctions in Oregon, specifically portland? I live in Portland, and my dad lives in eastern Oregon.

I got interesed in storage auctions by my dad. He lives in Hermiston Oregon, owns a restaurant, goes to auctions, and just bought his first storage unit recently. He struck gold by the way. Paid 7 bills for a unit that belonged to an old man in a nursing home and died. So needless to say, it was full of cool old man stuff.

Stamp collection (no really rare stamps, but a big book full of 3 and 5 dollar stamps that added up), Old cast iron dutch ovens, guns, power tools, vintage household appliances, ammo, fishing poles including an antique hand made bamboo fly rod, musical instruments including an antique french horn, and lots more. He doubled his money in his first week at the auction house, and selling on ebay. He ended up making over 7k I think, maybe more. Hes really getting into auctions lately and he is doing great. Just the other day he bought a truck trailer with hitch for $200 at the auction house, and sold it for $1000. He also bid at a silent auction on a diamond mine from an recently deceased old lady who owned a flea market. He said he guessed there to be atleast 30k worth of antiques.

Now I realise that not all storage units are big big money makers, most of them are crap and my dad got lucky with his first unit. This doesnt stop me from wanting to start however. I've been opening my ears lately and found a few new lost and found type auctions in my area. I will take any advice about storage auctions you all have to give, especially if you live or have lived in the Portland OR area or eastern OR. I was thinking to try to stick to the burbs here in Portland. Lake Oswego and the west hills areas are full of money and i've even got somewhat valueable things for free on craigslist in Lake Oswego. Or would I stand to profit by going across the river into Vancouver WA?

I have only noticed one person from Oregon on this forum, and one from Washington. If anybody lives or has lived nearby let me know things! I want to get into this, flipping cars, county auctions, police auctions, and lost and found auctions. Not all these things at once ofcourse, but hey, why not diversify right?

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Looking for tips in Oregon. Both eastern, and Portland area
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2011, 07:20:57 PM »
Hi and welcome. As far as tips, read through this whole site. Also might want to look at a couple of other sites that members here have. All of it is loaded with tons of information. There really is to much to offer in advice with out being specific.

Now as far as would you stand a better chance in city a or city b. Well. This depends on a number of factors. How many people are going there, what the bids look like right now in those areas. Those are the main factors. Another factor is which place has more units that go up for auction. Usually the more facilities an area has the more auctions it will have. However this is not always 100% of the time the case. But its a good way to look at things.

Every auction has its junk and its good valuables, location really does not place a part of it. I travel all over my city doing auctions. And to tell you the truth, I have come up with better items in my lockers from facilities that are in a more poor part of town. Just a lil FYI.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Looking for tips in Oregon. Both eastern, and Portland area
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2011, 09:45:10 PM »
Take a look at this thread.

I am finishing a week's vacation in Oregon and between Newberg and Portland I must have seen 10 storage places.

Hey I'm from north eastern Oregon, Name is Anthony

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